Wir freuen uns, den Neustart von Studia Rosenthaliana anzukündigen. Studia Rosenthaliana wurde 1967 gegründet und ist die einzige wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, die sich mit der Geschichte, der Kultur und dem Kulturerbe der Juden in den Niederlanden und ihrer Diaspora in den niederländischen Kolonien und der ganzen Welt beschäftigt. Nach vielen Jahren bei Peeters in Leuven ist Studia Rosenthaliana zurück bei der Amsterdam University Press und wird fortan im Open Access veröffentlicht. Der Neustart fängt an mit einer speziellen Doppelausgabe, deren Gastherausgeber Theodor Dunkelgrün (Cambridge) ist: The Jewish Bookshop of the World: Aspects of Print and Manuscript Culture in Early Modern Amsterdam <https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/aup/stros/2020/00000046/f0020001>.
No. 1
Preface by the editors-in-chief: Relaunching Studia Rosenthaliana<https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/aup/stros/2020/00000046/f0020001/art00001>
Introduction to the special issue: The Jewish Bookshop of the World. Aspects of Print and Manuscript Culture in Early Modern Amsterdam <https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/aup/stros/2020/00000046/f0020001/art00002>
Rabbi Moshe Zacuto and the Kabbalistic Circle of Amsterdam <https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/aup/stros/2020/00000046/f0020001/art00003>
Four Editions, Four Faces, One Book: Printing the Shulan Arukh in Amsterdam, 1661-1708 <https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/aup/stros/2020/00000046/f0020001/art00004> ELAD SCHLESINGER
Jews and Christians United: The 1701 Prosecution of Oliger Paulli and his Dutch Printers <https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/aup/stros/2020/00000046/f0020001/art00005> JEANNINE KUNERT AND ALEXANDER VAN DER HAVEN
From Menasseh ben Israel to Solomon Proops: Amsterdam Jewish Druckwesen in the library of Isaiah Sonne <https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/aup/stros/2020/00000046/f0020001/art00006> MARTINA MAMPIERI
Book reviews
No. 2
Elijah of Fulda and the 1710 Amsterdam Edition of the Palestinian Talmud <https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/aup/stros/2020/00000046/f0020001/art00007> YAKOV Z. MAYER
‘They say I am becoming greater than my peers’: An Apprentice-Scribe in Early Eighteenth-century Amsterdam <https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/aup/stros/2020/00000046/f0020001/art00008> RONI COHEN
Rabbis with Inky Fingers: Making an Eighteenth-Century Hebrew Book between North Africa and Amsterdam <https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/aup/stros/2020/00000046/f0020001/art00009> NOAM SIENNA
Benyamin Dias Brandon’s Orot Hami’vot (1753): Halacha and Polemics in Eighteenth-Century Amsterdam <https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/aup/stros/2020/00000046/f0020001/art00010> AHUVIA GOREN
Eager to Belong: A Palestinian Jew in Eighteenth-Century Amsterdam <https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/aup/stros/2020/00000046/f0020001/art00011> ODED COHEN
In a podcast <https://mbii.nl/terugluisteren/> hosted by the Menasseh ben Israël Instituut, Emile Schrijver speaks with guest-editor Theodor Dunkelgrün about this special issue of Studia Rosenthaliana, about the history of the journal, and about the past, present and future of Hebrew and Jewish Book History.