Journal of Latin American Studies 54 (2022), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Journal of Latin American Studies 54 (2022), 1




Journal of Latin American Studies (JLAS)
United Kingdom
The Editorial Administrator Journal of Latin American Studies c/o Institute of Latin American Studies University of London Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
Sophie-Margarete Schuster, Geschichtswissenschaften, Kulturwissenschaft, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Research articles

La Pata de Cabra, Satire and Free Speech in Nineteenth-Century Mexico City
Lance Ingwersen
pp 1 - 27
doi: 10.1017/S0022216X21001024

The Counter-Revolution's Patron: Rafael Trujillo versus Venezuela's Acción Democrática Governments, 1945–8
Aaron Coy Moulton
pp 29 - 53
doi: 10.1017/S0022216X22000013

Forging Mixtec Identity in the Mexican Metropolis: Race, Indigenismo and Mixtec Migrant Associations in Mexico City, 1940−70
David Yee
pp 55 - 77
doi: 10.1017/S0022216X21000985

Family Canon: The Politics of Family during the Last Civic-Military Dictatorship in Argentina, 1976–83
Patricia Juárez-Dappe
pp 79 - 101
doi: 10.1017/S0022216X21000778

Julián's Choice: Of Jaguar-Shamans and the Sacrifices Made for Progreso in Peru's Extractive Frontier
Juan Pablo Sarmiento Barletti
pp 103 - 124
doi: 10.1017/S0022216X21001036

The Pluri-Extractivist State: Regional Autonomy and the Limits of Indigenous Representation in Bolivia's Gran Chaco Province
Penelope Anthias
pp 125 - 154
doi: 10.1017/S0022216X21000997


Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui (translated by Molly Geidel), Ch'ixinakax utxiwa: On Practices and Discourses of Decolonization (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2020), pp. 89, £40.00, £12.99 pb; €45.20, €14.70 pb
Kate Maclean
pp 155 - 158
doi: 10.1017/S0022216X22000037

Shannon Speed, Incarcerated Stories: Indigenous Women Migrants and Violence in the Settler-Capitalist State (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2019), pp. 163, $27.95 pb
Fiona Macaulay
pp 158 - 160
doi: 10.1017/S0022216X22000049

Amos Megged, Rituals and Sisterhoods: Single Women's Households in Mexico, 1560–1750 (Louisville, CO: University Press of Colorado, 2020), pp. xiv + 315, $100 hb, $35.95 pb, $29.95 E-book
Sofía Crespo Reyes
pp 160 - 161
doi: 10.1017/S0022216X22000050

Erika Denise Edwards, Hiding in Plain Sight: Black Women, the Law, and the Making of a White Argentine Republic (Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press, 2020), pp. xvi + 168, $54.95 hb and E-book
Judith Anderson
pp 162 - 164
doi: 10.1017/S0022216X22000062

Katherine M. Marino, Feminism for the Americas: The Making of an International Human Rights Movement (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2019), pp. 354, $34.95 hb
Margaret Power
pp 164 - 166
doi: 10.1017/S0022216X22000074

Fiona Macaulay, Transforming State Responses to Feminicide: Women's Movements, Law and Criminal Justice Institutions in Brazil (Bingley: Emerald, 2021), pp. 152, £45.00 hb
Lorena Fuentes
pp 166 - 168
doi: 10.1017/S0022216X22000086

Pedro A. G. dos Santos and Farida Jalalzai, Women's Empowerment and Disempowerment in Brazil: The Rise and Fall of President Dilma Rousseff (Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2021), pp. 212, $29.95 pb
Fiona Macaulay
pp 169 - 171
doi: 10.1017/S0022216X22000098

David Johnson Lee, The Ends of Modernization: Nicaragua and the United States in the Cold War Era (Ithaca, NY, and London: Cornell University Press, 2021), pp. 270, $54.95 hb, $35.99 E-book
Gerardo Sánchez
pp 171 - 173
doi: 10.1017/S0022216X22000104

Claudia Stern W., Entre el cielo y el suelo: Las identidades elásticas de las clases medias (Santiago de Chile, 1932–1962) (Santiago de Chile: RiL Editores, 2021), pp. 486, $24.00 pb
Felipe Acuña
pp 173 - 175
doi: 10.1017/S0022216X22000116

Pierre Ostiguy, Francisco Panizza and Benjamin Moffitt (eds.), Populism in Global Perspective: A Performative and Discursive Approach (Abingdon: Routledge, 2021), pp. 324, £120.00, £34.99 pb, £31.49 E-book
Katerina Hatzikidi
pp 175 - 177
doi: 10.1017/S0022216X22000128

Noemi Levy-Orlik, Jorge Alonso Bustamante-Torres and Louis-Philippe Rochon (eds.), Capital Movements and Corporate Dominance in Latin America: Reduced Growth and Increased Instability (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2021), pp. 264, £90.00 hb
Daniela Tavasci
pp 178 - 180
doi: 10.1017/S0022216X2200013X

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Bestandsnachweise ISSN: 0022-216X; EISSN: 1469-767X