Staging a Boycott: Photographs of the Nazi Attack on Jewish-Owned Businesses in April 1933 Christoph Kreutzmüller
Mitigating Persecution: Intermarried Families and the Significance of Social Networks during the Holocaust in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia Tatjana Lichtenstein
The Rumble of a Locomotive, Traumatizing Screams, and Mortal Dance: Firsthand Poetic Testimonies Haunted by the Sounds of the Holocaust Dobrawa Lisak-Gębala
Shmal’tsovniki: Bounty Hunters in World War II Galicia, 1941–1944 Jeffrey Burds
“An island of Jewish autonomous life”: Paul Rosner’s Diary and the Story of the Young Maccabi Movement in Germany Noam Corb
From Europe to Mexico: The Unexpected Journey of Thirty Jewish Families Escaping Nazism Daniela Gleizer, Yael Siman
Book Reviews
“A Terrible and Terribly Interesting Epoch”: The Holocaust Diary of Lucien Dreyfus. Alexandra Garbarini and Jean-Marc Dreyfus Stephanie Faye Munyard
Prologue to Annihilation: Ordinary American and British Jews Challenge the Third Reich. Stephen H Norwood Zohar Segev
Fascination with the Persecutor: George L. Mosse and the Catastrophe of Modern Man. Emilio Gentile Annette Timm
Pink Triangle Legacies: Coming Out in the Shadow of the Holocaust. William Jake Newsome Christopher Ewing
From Discrimination to Death: Genocide Process through a Human Rights Lens. Melanie O’Brien James Snow
On the Death of Jews: Photographs and History. Nadine Fresco, trans., Sarah Clift Steven Weiss Samols
El Holocausto y la España de Franco. Enrique Moradiellos Santiago López Rodríguez Olmo Masa
Maus Now: Selected Writing. Hillary Chute Lynn Marie Kutch
May God Avenge Their Blood: A Holocaust Memoir Triptych. Rachmil Bryks, trans. Yermiyahu Ahron Taub , afterwords by Bella Bryks-Klein and Yermiyahu Ahron Taub Cecile E Kuznitz
From “Euthanasia” to Sobibór: An SS Officer’s Photo Collection. Martin Cüppers Anne Lepper, and Jürgen Matthäus Hannah Wilson
Empire of Destruction: A History of Nazi Mass Killing. Alex J Kay Jan Burzlaff
The Afterdeath of the Holocaust. Lawrence Langer Michael Berenbaum
Correction to: “May God have mercy on his black soul”: Consul General Olof Lamm’s Private Diplomatic Efforts to Save Jews from Nazi Persecution