Original Articles
Sugar-Sick Yet Healthy: Changing Concepts of Disease in the Dutch Diabetics Association (1945–1970) Floor Haalboom
Skodsborg Badesanatorium: An Adventist Health Resort on the Fringe of Danish Public Healthcare 1898–1992 Anders Bank Lodahl
‘The Husband, For Whom She Endures All This’: Dutch Men in Childbirth, 1900–1940 Hieke Huistra
‘Drowned in a Sea of Inhumanity’: Natural Childbirth, Postnatal Depression and the National Childbirth Trust, 1956–80s Hilary Marland
The Moment of Patient Safety: Iatrogenic Injury, Clinical Error and Cultures of Healthcare in the NHS Christopher Sirrs
Material History, Historied Materials and the Question of Epistemic Freedom in Ghana’s Medical Schools John Nott
From Praising the Remedy to Eulogising the Patient: Cristóbal de Castillejo’s Satire of Guaiac in Early Modern Spain Ivana Bičak
Slow Workers: Labelling and Labouring in Britain, c. 1909–1955 Lucy Delap
Cutting Bodies, Reaping Souls: Catholic Medical Missionaries between Rome and East Africa around 1700 Brendan Röder
‘Of One Blood?’: Gendered Propaganda and Blood Donor Behaviour in Wartime Bristol and South West England, 1939–1945 John Beales
Book Reviews
Wei Yu Wayne Tan, Blind in Early Modern Japan: Disability, Medicine, and Identity Kerry Shannon
Alanna Skuse, Surgery and Selfhood in Early Modern England. Altered Bodies and Contexts of Identity Bianca Frohne
Kristy Wilson Bowers, Renaissance Surgeons: Learning and Expertise in the Age of Print Cynthia Klestinec
Sean M. Quinlan, Morbid Undercurrents: Medical Subcultures in Post-revolutionary France Angela C Haas
Lynn McDonald, Florence Nightingale and the Medical Men: Working Together for Health Care Reform Richard Bates
Sara E. Black, Drugging France: Mind-Altering Medicine in the Long Nineteenth Century Alexandre Marchant
Travis Hay, Inventing the Thrifty Gene: The Science of Settler Colonialism James Daschuk
Nicholas K. Menzies, Ordering the Myriad Things. From Traditional Knowledge to Scientific Botany in China Iwo Amelung
Maurits Bastiaan Meerwijk, A History of Plague in Java, 1911-1942 Vivek Neelakantan
Heather Murray, Asylum Ways of Seeing: Psychiatric Patients, American Thought and Culture Joel T Braslow
Sally Sheldon, Gayle Davis, Jane O’Neill and Clare Parker, The Abortion Act 1967: A Biography of a UK Law Hannah Charnock
Noortje Jacobs, Ethics by Committee: A History of Reasoning Together About Medicine, Science, Society, and the State Edward S Dove
Simon Peng-Keller, Fabian Winiger and Raphael Rauch, The Spirit of Global Health: The World Health Organization and the Spiritual Dimension of Health, 1946-2021 Simplice Ayangma Bonoho
Esyllt W. Jones, James Hanley, and Delia Gravus, Medicare’s Histories: Origins Omissions, and Opportunities in Canada Gregory P Marchildon
Catherine Carstairs, The Smile Gap: A History of Oral Health and Social Inequality Claire L Jones