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Classical Quarterly 53 (2003), 1
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May and December every year
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Classical Quarterly (CQ)
United Kingdom
Classical Quarterly Classical Association Senate House Malet Street London, WC1E 7HU UK
Hartmann, Udo


The Classical Quarterly 53, Issue 1, May 2003

M. L. West, Iliad and Aethiopis, pp. 1-14

Annette Teffeteller, Homeric Excuses, pp. 15-31

Malcolm Davies The Judgements of Paris and Solomon, pp. 32-43

Thomas J. Figueira, Xenelasia and Social Control in Classical Sparta, pp. 44-74

C. W. Willink, Critical Studies in the Cantica of Sophocles: III. Electra, Philoctetes, Oedipus at Colonus, pp. 75-110

Vivienne Gray, Interventions and Citations in Xenophon, Hellenica and Anabasis, pp. 111-123

P. J. Rhodes, Sessions of Nomothetai in Fourth-Century Athens, pp. 124-129

Janet Sullivan, Demosthenes' Areopagus Legislation-Yet Again, pp. 130-134

John E. Sisko, Taste, Touch, and Temperance in Nicomachean Ethics 3.10, pp. 135-140

Malcolm Heath, Porphyry's Rhetoric, pp. 141-166

David G. Robertson, Basil of Caesarea on the Meaning of Prepositions and Conjunctions, pp. 167-174

J. C. B. Lowe, The Lot-Drawing Scene of Plautus' Casina, pp. 175-183

J. N. Adams, 'Romanitas' and the Latin Language, pp. 184-205

G. O. Hutchinson, The Catullan Corpus, Greek Epigram, and the Poetry of Objects, pp. 206-221

D. H. Berry, Eqvester Ordo Tvvs Est: Did Cicero Win His Cases Because of His Support for the Eqvites?, pp. 222-234

Andrew R. Dyck, Evidence and Rhetoric in Cicero's Pro Roscio Amerino: The Case Against Sex. Roscius, pp. 235-246

C. Gabrielli, Lucius Postumius Megellus at Gabii: A New Fragment of Livy, pp. 247-259

J. S. C. Eidinow, Dido, Aeneas, and Iulus: Heirship and Obligation in Aeneid 4, pp. 260-267

Jane Bellemore, Cassius Dio and the Chronology of A.D. 21, pp. 268-285

Sviatoslav Dmitriev, Claudius' Grant of Cilicia to Polemo, pp. 286-291

Manuel Sanz Morales and Gabriel Laguna Mariscal, The Relationship between Achilles and Patroclus According to Chariton of Aphrodisias, pp. 292-295

Anthony Kaldellis, Things are not What They Are: Agathias Mythistoricus and the Last Laugh of Classical Culture, pp. 295-300

W. S. Watt, Six Notes on Livy 36-40, pp. 301-302

Stephanie West, Crete in the Aeneid: Two Intertextual Footnotes, pp. 302-308

Raymond J. Clark, The Cerberus-Like Function of the Gorgons in Virgil's Underworld (Aen. 6.273-94), pp. 308-309

Francis Cairns, Propertius 3.4 and the Aeneid Incipit, pp. 309-311

P. Murgatroyd, Ovid, Fasti 2.585-616 and Virgil, Aeneid 12, pp. 311-313

Roland Mayer, A Lost Allusion Recovered: Tacitus, Histories 3.37.1 and Homer, Iliad 19.301-2, pp. 313-315

Chris Bennett, Drusilla Regina, pp. 315-319

P. A. Roche, The Execution of L. Salvius Otho Cocceianus,pp. 319-322

John Hunt, Three Problems in Late Latin Texts, pp. 323-326

URL: http://www3.oup.co.uk/clquaj/hdb/Volume_53/Issue_01/

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