The Transimperial History Blog features contributions that explore the history of interactions across empires. Transimperial history is an approach that begins from the assumption that empires both dominated world history until the 1960s and engendered postcolonial afterlives that continue to shape societies around the globe until the present, thus enabling us to reveal connections between and across empires. The Transimperial History Blog gives researchers the opportunity to engage in scholarly exchange, publish their research, report from archives that hold relevant collections for transimperial history, and introduce their books.
Our latest contributions:
Hao Chen: The Dawn of Asian-African Internationalism: India, China, and the 1947 Asian Relations Conference, in: Transimperial History Blog, 13 October 2022, URL: <>.
Samuël Coghe: Book Spotlight “Population Politics in the Tropics: Demography, Health and Transimperialism in Colonial Angola, Cambridge 2022”, in: Transimperial History Blog, 7 September 2022, URL:
Christian Methfessel: Book Spotlight “Kontroverse Gewalt. Die imperial Expansion in der englischen und deutschen Presse vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg [Contested Violence: The Imperial Expansion in the English and German Press before the First World War], Wien 2019”, in: Transimperial History Blog, 26 July 2022, URL: <>.
Florian Wagner: Book Spotlight “Colonial Internationalism and the Governmentality of Empire, 1893-1982, Cambridge 2022”, in: Transimperial History Blog, 19 June 2022, URL: <>.
John Hennessey: Book Spotlight “Rule by Association: Japan in the Global Trans-Imperial Culture, 1868–1912, Växjö 2018”, in: Transimperial History Blog, 27 March 2022, URL: <>.
Tom Menger: Routes of Violence: Transimperial Mobility and Colonial War in the British, German, and Dutch Empires, c. 1880–1914, in: Transimperial History Blog, 28 February 2022, URL: <>.
Satoshi Mizutani: Indians and Koreans in Crosscolonial Solidarity: Part 1. The Indian Press on Japanese Rule and Korean Independence, in: Transimperial History Blog, 25 January 2022, URL: <>.
Florian Wagner: The Myth of “Liberal” Fascism at the Transimperial Volta Congress on Africa in Rome, 1938, in: Transimperial History Blog, 5 November 2021, URL: <>.
Janna Lahti: Book Spotlight “German and United States Colonialism in a Connected World: Entangled Empires, Palgrave 2021”, in: Transimperial History Blog, 30 September 2021, URL: <>.