Katja Bernhardt, Nordost-Institut, Lüneburg (IKGN e. V.)
9 MAY 2024 (1:50 pm - 6:00 pm)
Welcome, Romuald Antosik (Mayor of the City of Turek), Bartosz Stachowiak (Director of the City Museum Turek), Makary Górzyński (University of Kalisz)
Introduction, Aleksandra Paradowska (University of the Arts, Poznań)
"My hand rose as if by itself". Some remarks on the impact of propaganda testimonies and their treatment as sources, Makary Górzyński (University of Kalisz)
Capital transfer in Nazi urban planning in occupied Poland. The question of sources and methodological approaches, Katja Bernhardt (North-East Institute, Lüneburg)
Planning euphoria and realisation difficulties. A comparison of National Socialist planning documents and actual construction activities using the example of the administrative district of Zichenau, Christhardt Henschel (German Historical Institute, Warsaw)
Dimensions of the everyday in the time of the 'Third Reich', Hanna Grzeszczuk-Brendel (Politechnika Poznań)
Sources for research on the development of railway infrastructure in Poland during the Nazi era, Miron Urbaniak (University of Wrocław)
10 MAY 2024 (9:00 am - 1:30 pm)
Recapitulation of the results of the previous day, Annika Wienert (Max Weber Foundation, Bonn)
Presentation of the Turek Museum's collection of National Socialist sources
On the blurring of the image of occupation. The example of the Turek district picture centre in the Reichgau Wartheland, Dorota Łuczak (Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań)
Illusions of Omnipotence. Architecture and everyday life under German occupation - presentation of an exhibition project, Aleksandra Paradowska (University of the Arts, Poznań)
Sources (un)recognised - new approaches to historical transmission (final discussion)