Modern housing postwar – Cities of Tomorrow?

Internationale Konferenz "Modern Housing Postwar – Cities of Tomorrow?“

ETOM NEB Lab milestone project (zukunftsgeraeusche GbR)
zukunftsgeraeusche GbR
Dreyhauptstrasse 3, Lichthaus
Gefördert durch
German Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB); State of Saxony-Anhalt – Ministry for Infrastructure and Digital Affairs and the State Chancellery and Ministry for Culture; City of Halle (Saale); Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation; Pilecki-Institute Berlin; NIAiU – National Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Warsaw; ICC – International Culture Center, Krakow; Bauverein Halle-Leuna; Competence Center for Large Housing Estates, Berlin; ICOMOS International / Deutschland; DOCOMOMO International
Halle (Saale)
Findet statt
In Präsenz
Vom - Bis
13.10.2024 - 16.10.2024
Ben Buschfeld, Kuration / Design / Moderation – European Triennial of Modernism (ETOM) + ETOM New European Bauhaus Lab

Modern housing postwar – Cities of Tomorrow?

International Conference in Halle (Saale)
“ Modern housing postwar – Cities of Tomorrow?”

Registration via Eventbrite:

Die Internationale Konferenz "Modern Housing Postwar – Cities of Tomorrow?“ in Halle an der Saale am 14.-15. Oktober nimmt das Jubiläum "60 Jahre Halle-Neustadt" zum Anlass, um das Thema der Transformation des großmaßstäblichen Städte-/Siedlungsbaus der Nachkriegsmoderne in einen trans-europäischen Kontext zu stellen.

Modern Housing Postwar – Cities of Tomorrow?

The conference topic – in short – is addressing the trans-European findings and approaches on the developments and perspectives of the transformation of the urban design and the large housing settlements of post-war Modernism, from the 20th to the 21st century. This is done while considering major development and policy goals, such as: transformability of modern inhabited heritage, resilience and sustainability of urban (re)developments (including infrastructure, energy, and building materials), and social cohesion.

Internationale Konferenz "Modern Housing Postwar – Cities of Tomorrow?“

Gemeinsam mit Akteur:innen aus verschiedenen zentraleuropäischen Ländern, Zivilgesellschaft, Ämtern und Institutionen sollen spezifische Erfahrungen, Herausforderungen und good practice-Beispiele vorgestellt und erörtert werden, welche aufzeigen, wie die Großsiedlungen der Nachkriegsmoderne heute qualifiziert und weiterentwickelt werden können. Im Vorfeld oder Nachgang zur Konferenz werden am 13.10. und/oder 16.10. geführte Rundgänge durch das Areal Halle-Neustadt angeboten.

Den Rahmen der Veranstaltung bietet die – aus der letzten Festival-Ausgabe der "Triennale der Moderne" 2022 –erwachsene Initiative einer „European Triennial of Modernism“ ( sowie deren Einbindung als Netzwerk und Lab innerhalb des EU "New European Bauhaus“. Neben der Verankerung in dieser Initiative der Europäischen Union reflektiert die Konferenz außerdem die Gründung des „Zukunftszentrums für Deutsche Einheit und Europäische Transformation“, welches auch in Halle angesiedelt werden soll.

Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf den Austausch mit Polen sowie den speziellen Erfahrungen im Wohnungs- und Städtebau nach dem Fall des Eisernen Vorhangs in den Staaten Zentraleuropas. Die Konferenz wird organisiert in Kooperation dem BMWSB – Bundesministerium für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen, dem Land Sachsen-Anhalt – Ministerium für Infrastruktur und Digitales und Staatskanzlei und Ministerium für Kultur – und der Stadt Halle (Saale) sowie der Stiftung für deutsch-polnische Zusammenarbeit.

Die Konferenzsprache wird Englisch sein. Eine Simultanübersetzung Deutsch-Englisch ist vorgesehen. Die Konferenz ist kostenfrei. Die Teilnahme steht allen Interessierten – etwa lokalen Intiativen, Anwohner/innen, Expert:innen oder Studierenden verschiedener Disziplinen – offen.

Die Veranstaltenden freuen sich, wenn Sie diese Informationen in Ihren Netzwerken weiter verbreiten.

Bei Interesse oder Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an:

International Conference "Modern Housing Postwar – Cities of Tomorrow?"

The international conference will be the first Milestone-Conference of the “ETOM NEB Lab”, founded within the “New European Bauhaus” (NEB) and in the framework of the “ETOM – European Triennial of Modernism” ( The conference, as well as the Lab, is focusing on Central and Eastern Europe and will take place in Halle on the occasion of 60 years of the “Halle-Neustadt” large housing settlement and with a special focus on the exchange with Poland, in the 20th year of the 2004 enlargement of the EU, with Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia becoming EU members.

The development of housing settlements and urban planning of post-war modernism embodies a multi-layered transformation – in dealing with scarcity, newness, change, existing built fabric and future tasks – which is significant in the European context, especially in the Central European countries along the former Iron Curtain, in order to learn from the history of development and sustainably open up future perspectives.

The emergence of the residential quarters and cities of tomorrow followed the housing shortage after World War II and was based on the critical approach and innovation represented by modern housing construction of the interwar period. The upcoming genesis was driven by social and economic developments and the period of change after 1989, with phases of transition, decline, civil society activism, urban redevelopment, renovation, renewal, and as well preservation. This development from the turn of the millennium to present day shapes the form, perception, and function as a built environment and living space for millions of people. In every respect, the crucial examination is on current transformations, resilience, and future capabilities in the face of structural change, demographics, the climate crisis, housing shortages, and social challenges.



08:30 Registration at conference venue:
„Lichthaus“ (Dreyhauptstrasse 3, 06108 Halle – near: market square and Hallmarkt)

09:30 Short tour towards Franckesche Stiftungen (Franckeplatz 1, Haus 37, 06110 Halle) with panoramic view over Halle and Halle-Neustadt – transfer back to „Lichthaus“

09:45 Welcoming at Lichthaus
Assignment – Keynote-Panel (working status):
- Klara Geywitz, German Federal Minister for Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB)
- Lydia Hüskens, Minister of Infrastructure and Digital Affairs of the State of Saxony-Anhalt
- René Rebenstorf, Deputy Mayor for Urban Development and Environment
- tba, Future Center for German Unity and European Transformation
- tba, Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (MKiDN); Ministry of Development (MR)
- tba, Representative EU, from European Commission (EC) / New European Bauhaus (NEB)

11:00 Coffee-Break

11:15 Prelude – Intro Halle

Impulse lectures about Halle / Halle-Neustadt (2-3 speakers)

12:00 Lunch-Break

13:00 Section 1: Origins / Future Cities – emerging futures

Impulse-statements (4-6 speakers)
Workshop-Talk / Round-table discussion (incl. short break)
Breakout-Rooms (plus audience): Learning about diverse realms and realities of the origins of the „future cities“
Lessons learned – Question: What do we inherit from “historic futures”, positive/negative legacy?

15:15 Coffee-Break

15:30 Section 2: Transitions / Transforming Realities – alterations of decline and renewal

Impulse-statements (4-6 speakers)
Workshop-Talk / Round-table discussion (incl. short break)
Breakout-Rooms (plus audience): Learning about diverse realms and realities of transformation
Lessons learned – Question: What crucial abilities can we derive for sustainable transformations?

18:30 Late-Break (with snacks)

19:00 Keynote 1 (tba)
Discussion (amongst keynote speakers + audience participation)

20:30 Reception (Get-together)


08:30 Registration (for arrivals on day 2)

09:30 Section 3: Contemporary / Domains of Activism – her/histories of activism

Impulse-statements (4-6 speakers)
Workshop-Talk / Round-table discussion (incl. short break)
Breakout-Rooms (plus audience): Learning about diverse realms and realities of the domains of activism
Lessons learned – Question: How or how long can temporary achievements maintain permanent?

12:30 Lunch-Break

13:30 Section 4: Upcoming / Agencies of Tomorrow – local and planetary challenges

Impulse-statements (4-6 speakers)
Workshop-Talk / Round-table discussion (incl. short break)
Breakout-Rooms (plus audience): Exploring emergences of present chances and challenges
Lessons learned – Question: How can we pursue/sustain (trans-sectoral) agencies for a better future?

16:30 Late-Break

17:00 Keynote 2 (tba)
Discussion (amongst keynote speakers + audience participation)

18:30 Closing panel – Finale lessons: Sketching big points of postwar modern housing for tomorrow

20:00 End


– Sunday, 13 Oct, 16:30–18:00:
Pre Conference Tour through Halle-Neustadt (details + guide tba)

– Wednesday 16 Oct, ca. 9:00-10:30:
Post Conference Tour through Halle-Neustadt (optional, details + guide tba)
