Arbeitskreis Historische Friedens- und Konfliktforschung e.V.
Wednesday, 27/09/2017
18:00–18:15 Welcome
Christoph Becker-Schaum (AGG); Susanne Schregel/Claudia Kemper/Daniel Gerster (AKHF)
18:15–19:45 Keynote
Dorothee Brantz (Berlin), Peace and Urban Space: Berlin in the 20th Century
Moderator: Daniel Gerster
20:00 Reception
Thursday, 28/09/2017
9:00–9:30 Introduction
Susanne Schregel, Claudia Kemper, Daniel Gerster
9:30–11.00 Peace Cities & Cities of Peace
Chair: Christian Jansen (Trier)
Julia Eichenberg (Berlin), Planning Peace in the Blitz – European Governments-in-exile in London, 1940–1945
Zlutko Jovanovic (Copenhagen), Inventing ‘Peace’ Tradition in the War-Torn Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Case of Tuzla Citizens Forum (Forum gradjan Tuzla)
11:30–13:00 Grassroots Urban Peace Activism and Its Local/Global Interconnections
Chair: Christoph Becker-Schaum (Berlin)
Jared Donnelly (Montgomery, AL), Protest City? Grassroots Peace Activism and Urban Politics in Hamburg, 1955–1961
Richard Rohrmoser (Mannheim), “Grassroots Security Policy” – Nonviolent Protests Against Nuclear Forces in Mutlangen, 1983–1987
14:00–15.30 Informal Spaces and Sociability
Chair: Daniel Gerster (Münster)
Nadja Maurer (Hamburg), Spaces of Love. Transgressions of communal division in Conflict and Peace in Belfast
Merav Kaddar (Jerusalem), Heterotopic Appearances in Changing Urban Environment: the Case of the Anna Loulou Bar in Jaffa, Israel
16:00–17.30 Peace and Disarmament in Official City Policies
Chair: Jost Dülffer (Cologne)
Nikita Chiu (Cambridge), Cities as Actor in Global Nuclear Governance: A Chronology and Assessment of Cities’ Engagement in Global Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Efforts
Christoph Laucht (Swansea), The Politics behind Urban Peace and Disarmament Initiatives: The Municipal Left and the Nuclear Threat in Britain, 1980–1985
17.45–18.30 Interdisciplinary Perspectives I: Global Intimacies of Sanctuary: Challenging a Statist Geopolitics
Jen Bagelman (Exeter)
Moderator: Susanne Schregel (Cologne)
Friday, 29/09/2017
9:00–9:45 Interdisciplinary Perspectives II: Peace Building and Spatial Transformation
Stefanie Kappler (Durham)
Moderator: Claudia Kemper (Hamburg)
9:45–11:15 Peace and the Symbolism of Urban Geographies
Chair: Anne Bieschke (Mannheim)
Irina Gordeeva (Moscow), Symbolic Resistance in the History of the Soviet Independent Peace Movement, Moscow, 1982–1989
Noah Hysler Rubin (Ann Arbor, MA), Bridging through Planning: Urban Strategies for the Peaceful Unification of Jerusalem, 1948–1968
11:30–13:00 Urban Places for Peace
Chair: Christine Krüger (Gießen)
Nicolas Pitsos (Paris), From Great War’s Memorial to the House of Peace: Pacifist Initiatives in Saint-Ouen
Peter van den Dungen (Bradford), Visualizing and Promoting Peace through Peace Museums
13:00–13:30 Concluding Discussion
Moderator: Claudia Kemper
[anschließend: Mitgliederversammlung des AKHF e.V.]