Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung
Center for Interdisciplinary Research
Universität Bielefeld
Shaping Asia/s.
Connectivities, Comparisons, Collaborations
Convenors: Prof. Dr. Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka (Bielefeld, GER)
Prof. Dr. Christiane Brosius (Heidelberg, GER)
6 – 7 February 2018
9:00 – 9:30 Welcome and introduction by Christiane Brosius & Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka
I. Interrogating Asia/s: recent contributions to concepts and methods
Chair: Christiane Brosius
Claudia Derichs: What kind of area studies do we need?
Anna-Katharina Hornidge: Area Studies in tomorrow’s science system
Christoph Antweiler: Area Studies@Asia - A Network Approach vs. Atlanto- and Asiacentrisms
10:30-10:50 Coffee Break
Chair: Joanna Pfaff
Antje Flüchter: Beyond Western Hegemony? Translating and Comparing from an Early Modern Perspective
Monica Juneja: Transcultural entanglements
Dhruv Raina: Asia/Europe as method
Noorman Abdullah: Decentering the social sciences: relevance, resonance, revisions
12:30 – 1:30 Lunch break
II. Methodological Strategies
Chair: Barbara Mittler
Riho Isaka: The concept of 'connectivities' and the social history of language
Ursula Rao: Infrastructures and the mapping of connectivities
Roland Hardenberg: Connectivities: the case of Islam across West-Central and South Asia
Chair: Minh Nguyen
Barbara Mittler: The art of comparison. Reading in conjunction
Marius Meinhof: Constantly Comparing China with the West. Postcolonial Entanglements in Asia
Akio Tanabe: Is there a South Asian path of development? Comparative attempts on shapes of Asia
5:00 - 5:30 Coffee break
III. Shaping Asia/s
Knowledge production and circulation
Chair: Patrick Eisenlohr
Kelvin Low: Theorising from Asia: perspectives on sensory knowledge production
Ute Hüsken: Asian cultures of learning
Birgitt Röttger Rössler & Thomas Stodulka: Shaping the future: educational institutions, policies,
programmes and practices in the Asias
Daniel Münster: Asian Anthropo/scenes
7:00 Dinner at ZiF
9:00 III. Shaping Asia/s (continued)
Public cultures: socio-spatial trans/formations
Chair: Anja Senz
Sahana Udupa: Polymedia ruptures
Nadja-Christina Schneider: Practices of public space-making and activism in urban/ising Asia
10:00 -10:20 Coffee Break
Governance and Governability
Chair: Andreas Vasilache
Claudia Derichs: From Silkroad/s to OBOR: scholarship and political governance
Anja-Desiré Senz: China connects the world? Observing the effects of China’s development
strategy in Asia
Verena Talcott-Blechinger: Governing global flowers: labour standards and safety in Asia
Thorsten Bonacker & Conrad Schetter: Sub-national violence
Emil Nasritdinov: Governing urban spaces transregionally
12:30-1:30 Lunch break
Chair: Alexandra Kaasch
Chunrong Liu: Networking Experiences (NIAS@Fudan)
Radu Carciumaru: Collaborations from/in India (Heidelberg Centre South Asia (HCSA)/SAI Branch Office)
IV. Academic formats for knowledge creation and dissemination
Marko Scholze: Testing formats of collaboration - learning from POINT SUD
Judith Schlehe & Pujo Semedi: Crisscrossing Connectivities in Collaborative Research Practice
3:00 -3:20 Coffee break
Group discussions on connecting research foci and formats (e.g., transdisciplinary
collaborations and public ‘stakeholders’; co-producing and translating knowledge;
exchange on networking experiences, reading seminars and ‘passion’ workshops
5:30 Concluding session (group work): risks/challenges of POINT EAST & the next
steps/advancing the proposal
8:00 Joint dinner at Restaurant ‚Bliss & Happiness’ (self paying)