Digital Arts and Culture

Digital Arts and Culture

Dept. of Humanistic Informatics, University of Bergen
Bergen, Norway
Vom - Bis
26.11.1998 - 28.11.1998
Bente Opheim

Sponsored by the SKIKT Program of The Norwegian Research Council and the Cyber/Media/Culture Project at the Dept. of Humanistic Informatics, University of Bergen

SKIKT (Social and Cultural Premises for Information and Communication Technology) is a strategic research program (1998-2002) funded by the Norwegian Research Council.

Conference PROGRAM

The SKIKT Digital Arts and Culture conference will provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of theoretical and artistic developments in digital arts, media and cultures. Through plenary session lectures (45 mins.), parallel paper presentations (20 mins.), and short paper sessions (10 mins.) and ample space between sessions, as well as an informal social program, we hope to create a good atmosphere for strengthening the links between the many different players and subfields within the rapidly expanding field of digital culture and aesthetic studies.

We hope to attract the best theorists and practitioners in the field(s), and will pay for travel (economy fare) and boarding expenses up to the amount of $1200 for each first author of a paper accepted as one of approx. 9 plenary lectures. We are also negotiating with a University Press about publishing the best papers from the Conference.

Topics include but are not limited to:

Digital media and humanistic research
Digital culture studies and the philosophy of Science Digital media studies: Life after Television? Digital media and critical/aesthetical theory

Digital discourse
hypertext literature computer generated literature multi-user aesthetics computer games Computer art and digital avant-garde aesthetics

Digital culture
Internet culture Video game culture Other Social Science perspectives on ICT-culture


The conference language is English. We welcome full papers (12-20 pages) and short papers (5-8 pages) presenting original, previously unpublished work. To be considered for plenary lecture, papers abstracts must be extensive, at least 5 pages (ca. 12 000 characters of text). Otherwise, abstracts should be 2 pages for full papers and 1 page for short papers.

Paper/Short paper deadline: August 15th. Accept notification: September 14th. Registration: Before Nov. 1st.

Submissions should be sent as email attachments (MS WORD 97/98 format or ascii) or Web page URLs to <>, or on paper in seven -7- copies mailed to Espen Aarseth, Department of Humanistic Informatics, Sydnesplass 7, N-5007 Bergen, Norway.

We also welcome Panel Proposals and Demonstrations.

There will be no conference fee, but we may have to charge for certain social events (dinners etc.; plenary lecturerers excepted), depending on the number of attendees.

Please send your registration info (Name, addresses and afiliation) to <> before Nov. 1st.

Conference Committee:

Ingela Josefsson, Sodertorn College
Terje Rasmussen, University of Oslo
Björn Sörenssen, Norwegian Technological University
Hilde Corneliussen, University of Bergen
Jan Rune Holmevik, University of Bergen
Torill Mortensen, Volda College
Espen Aarseth, University of Bergen (Chair)



Jill Walker (

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