Intermediary Power and the Fiscal-Military State in the French and Austrian Monarchies (c. 1620-1800). Pays d’états and Erblande

Intermediary Power and the Fiscal-Military State in the French and Austrian Monarchies (c. 1620-1800). Pays d’états and Erblande

Petr Maťa, Central European University – Institute for Advanced Study (Budapest) / William Godsey, Institute for Modern and Contemporary Historical Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna)
Central European University, Nádor utca 13, 001
Vom - Bis
03.06.2013 -
Petr Maťa

Between the reigns of King Louis XIV/Emperor Leopold I and King Louis XV/Empress Maria Theresa, the French Bourbon and Austrian Habsburg monarchies constituted continental Europe’s two leading powers. As long-time rivals and later allies, their development exhibited a comparable mix of striking parallels, but also marked differences. Whereas a tendency to contrast the two states is fairly common, structural similarities have rarely been noted and have scarcely stimulated any comparative examination. The continuing work of reassessment of how the Bourbon and Habsburg rulers asserted their authority over provincial elites of their vast monarchies and how these elites adapted to the new pressures has inspired the idea of an English-language workshop to draw initial comparisons and point up contrasts between the domestic foundations of international power in the French and Austrian monarchies – with the focus on Estates. The workshop is intended to offer an opportunity for a general discussion of the part that the intermediary powers played in the development of the French and the Austrian monarchies towards fiscal-military states and an initial debate about approaches employed in the research thus far.


14.00 Éva Gönczi (Budapest): Welcome by CEU-IAS

14.10 William Godsey / Petr Maťa: Introduction

14.20 Rafe Blaufarb (Tallahassee): The many fiscal uses of privilege in Louis XIV's France

15.10 Julian Swann (London): The limits of cooperation between the French monarchy and the provincial estates, c. 1660-1789

16.00 coffee break

16.30 Petr Maťa (Budapest): The Proportion: Negotiating fiscal equality between the territories in the early modern Habsburg monarchy

17.20 William Godsey (Vienna): Interposing their credit: Territorial estates and Habsburg public finances

18.10 Plenary discussion

Discussants: Marie-Elizabeth Ducreux (Paris), Leonhard Horowski (Berlin), Astrid von Schlachta (Regensburg), Hamish Scott (St. Andrews), Grete Walter-Klingenstein (Graz)


Petr Maťa

Central European University - Institute for Advanced Study

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