Digital Classics Online 1 (2015), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Digital Classics Online 1 (2015), 1
Weiterer Titel 
Digital Humanities in den Altertumswissenschaften

dreimal jährlich
Anzahl Seiten
75 S.
€ 0,00



Digital Classics Online
Sylvia Kurowsky Universität Leipzig Historisches Seminar Lehrstuhl für Alte Geschichte Redaktion Digital Classics Online Ritterstr. 12, Raum 302, 04109 Leipzig E-Mail: Tel: +49 341 9737071
Brandt, Sven-Philipp

Die Beiträge der ersten Ausgabe von Digital Classics Online stammen von den Mitgliedern der Arbeitsgemeinschaft „Digital Humanities in den Altertumswissenschaften“ der Mommsen-Gesellschaft e.V. Sie greifen spezifisch altertumswissenschaftliche Zusammenhänge der Digital Humanities auf und gehen zurück auf die Sektion „Close Reading and Distant Reading. Methoden der Altertumswissenschaften in der Gegenwart“ des Historikertags in Göttingen im Jahre 2014.



Close Reading und Distant Reading. Methoden der Altertumswissenschaften in der Gegenwart von Charlotte Schubert, S. 1–6.

Adaptiver, Interaktiver, Dynamischer Atlas zur Geschichte (AIDA). Visuelles Erkunden und interaktives Erleben der Geschichte von Christoph Schäfer, Leif Scheuermann, Wolfgang Spickermann, S. 7–18:
The objective of the AIDA project is the development of a dynamic and adaptive digital atlas on the history of Europe as well as the Mediterranean region for research and education purposes. Dynamic maps enable the visualization of temporal and spatial localization as well as their changes concerning objects and events and mediate historical processes over a long ranged period. Through the inclusion of text and image the map as a system of symbols and rules becomes a key medium for the collection of multimedia data. The conjunction of space and time and the free combination and connection of very different content opens new questions and enlarges the data basis of the system embedding user driven projects.
This paper focuses on the architecture of the AIDA – project as well as the Meme Media – technology “Webbles” used for its implementation. The visualization and analysis of spatiotemporal information will be thematised as well as didactic surplus of the system concluding with the presentation of three pilot projects.

Auf den Spuren von Julius Euting durch den Orient – eine virtuelle Forschungsreise von Manuel Abbt, Gerlinde Bigga, Kevin Körner, Matthias Lang, Fabian Schwabe, Dieta Frauke Svoboda, S. 19–33:
At the end of the 19th century, the orientalist Julius Euting traveled several times to the Middle East to investigate and to record pre-Islamic monuments, artifacts, and inscriptions. His journals and sketchbooks are preserved in the University Library of Tübingen where they recently were completely digitized. The aim of the presented project is to connect these texts with additional sources and data in a common interface.1
This system is based on the web-framework Neatline,developed at the University of Virginia, which is able to manage and visualize heterogeneous data in a common interface. The system was extended with a functionality to store and display XML-encoded texts according to the recommendations of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). Furthermore, every entry in the journals is connected to a date or a time-span displayed in a timeline which could also be used to access the text. Beyond this, it is possible to upload or to link scientific articles to monuments, artifacts or archaeological sites mentioned by Euting. All geographical information in the diary can be directly connected to different maps provided within the system.

Vom Thesaurus zum semantischen Netz. Potenziale von Data Mining in bibliographischen Datensätzen von Andreas Hartmann, Sabine Thänert, S. 34–45:
The paper explores the potential of data mining in bibliographic records. Quantitative analsysis of co-occurrences of keywords in bibliographic records makes it possible to create a semantic network. In contrast to the rigid hierarchy of traditional thesauri, this network maps polyvalent semantic relations between keywords across the distinct thematic branches of a thesaurus tree. Analysis of a comprehensive data pool made up from two major bibliographies (Gnomon Bibliographic Database and ZENON DAI) should allow for the semantic mapping of a core set of central topics (people, places, social structures, concepts) of classical scholarship.

Archäologische Datenbanken als virtuelle Museen von Martin Langner, S. 46–69:
Because archaeological databases contain unmanageably large numbers of records, users are still limited to targeted searches for specific information. Stimulating, creative browsing is rare at best. This has led to a search for new ways of selecting and composing data and new forms of representation, the goal being to introduce new ideas and research perspectives by linking monuments together in unconventional ways.
Unlike computer games, databases lack a narrative—hence the suggestion to reconstruct the biography of the buildings and objects in time, space and materiality as a means of increasing the user’s interest and attention; the results could be presented as a journey through time or a visit to a museum.; the results could be presented as a journey through time or a visit to a museum. In addition to faceted browsing, crowd science methods and different forms of visualization, there are also 4D animations and natural interaction in virtual spaces to be considered. As a case study, the author presents a current project whose goal is to publish 600 sculptures as 3D scans and to reconstruct historical exhibition contexts in the form of a virtual museum. The knowledge acquired in the process can serve as a basis for future approaches in which search queries in archaeological databases are visualized as fully virtual museums.

Ankündigungen und Projektberichte
ERIS: Hamburg Information System on Greek and Roman Violence von Prof. Werner Riess, Michael Zerjadtke, S. 70–75.

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