RERIS Studies in International Sport Relations: "Book talk"

RERIS Studies in International Sport Relations: "Book talk"

Amanda Shuman & Philippe Vonnard
Takes place
From - Until
13.06.2023 -
Joris Lehnert, Institut für Romanistik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

To celebrate the launch of the “RERIS Studies in International Sport Relations” series (De Gruyter Oldenbourg), on 13 June, Dr. Luiz Burlamaqui (Federal Institute of Brasília, Brazil) and Dr. Rahul Kumar (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal) will present their books. The event will be chaired by Prof. Livia Magalhães (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil), a specialist of the history of fascism and of the history of football in Latin countries.

RERIS Studies in International Sport Relations: "Book talk"

On June 13 at 5PM (Swiss time), we will organise the inaugural "Book talk" Zoom webinar to celebrate the launch of the RERIS Studies in International Sport Relations series we are co-editing (

On this occasion, we are delighted to welcome the first two published authors in our series. Dr. Luiz Burlamaqui (Universidade de São Paulo) will present on his book, The Making of Global FIFA. Cold War Politics and the Rise of João Havelange to the FIFA Presidency, 1950–1974, and Dr. Rahul Kumar (Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra) will present on his soon-to-be-released book, Football and Fascism. The Politics of Popular Culture in Portugal.

The Making the Global FIFA. Cold War Politics and the Rise of João Havelange to the FIFA Presidency, 1950–1974 seeks to understand which actors were involved in the 1974 Havelange election as FIFA president, how the networks were shaped, and which political agents were directly engaged in the campaign. The book focuses on a crucial moment for FIFA but more generally for international sport system because from the 1970s to the 1990s, Havelange will be one of the most important sport leaders and he will play a major role in the increase of commercialisation and mediatisation of soccer.

Football and Fascism. The Politics of Popular Culture in Portugal investigates the relation between football and Salazarism. Theoretically grounded on Bourdieu’s field theory, and using a multiscalar methodology, this award-winning research explores the political tensions between the nationalization of sports envisaged by the Portuguese “New State” and the integration of national football in a globalized urban popular culture. Besides broadening the scope of existing transnational histories of football, this study also puts into question the conventional geographies and political chronologies adopted in sports history. (

The session will be held in English and chaired by Professor Livia Magalhães (Universidade Federal Fluminense), a specialist of the history of fascism and of the history of football in Latin countries.

If you are interested in participating in the event, please fill in this form:

We hope to see you virtually on this momentous occasion!

Best wishes,

Amanda Shuman & Philippe Vonnard

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