Turning Points in Baltic and Central East European Food History – Knowledge, Consumption, and Production in Changing Environments

Turning Points in Baltic and Central East European Food History – Knowledge, Consumption, and Production in Changing Environments

KAJAK (Centre for Environmental History, Tallinn); Herder Institute (Marburg/Germany)
Vom - Bis
29.08.2012 - 30.08.2012
Dr. Heidi Hein-Kircher

“Environmental history begins in the belly” (Donald Worster)
Food links people to their environments in the most direct way. Food history is therefore a central part of environmental history, linking external factors such as climate, soil, economy, and politics with the intimate environment of the body itself. (Trans-)cultural food-knowledge, production and consumption mutually shape each other in a constant process of transformation.

Together with global changes (climate change, colonialism, industrialization etc.), the conference will focus in particular on the specific regional characteristics of the Baltic countries and Central East Europe. This is all the more necessary since, despite the complex inter-ethnic composition, class structures and trade relations in the Baltic area and Poland, there have only been a few comparative studies made of the historical and trans-cultural food culture of the region which draw upon the latest research in this field. The main focus of this international and interdisciplinary conference will be upon the continuities and discontinuities in Baltic food history and in contemporary Baltic food studies.

This conference constitutes the first in a small series of conferences on environmental history which are being organized in cooperation with the Herder Institute in Marburg and the Institute of History, Tallinn University. The aim of this series is, from a comparative perspective, to reach an appraisal of the state of current research on the environmental history of the Baltic region and Central Eastern Europe, and to draw impulses from this for further research.


Wednesday, 29 August 2012

9.00 Peter Haslinger: Welcoming Words

9.30 Ulrike Plath: Introduction

10.00 Dorothee Herbert: Food Inventory and Supply Management on Castles of the Teutonic Order in Late Medieval Prussia 1375-1450

10.30 Inna Jürjo: Food Production in Livonian Towns in the 13th-16th Centuries

11.00 Coffee Break

11.30 Anu Mänd: Tastes of Paradise. The Role of Spices in Festive and Diplomatic Culture of Medieval Livonia

12.00 Ülle Sillasoo: Food Boundaries and Archaeobotanical Material

12.30 Pauls Daija: Food and Modernization. The Case of Potatoes in the 18th Century Latvia

1.00 Lunch Break

3.00 Timo Myllyntaus: “Ground Frost, Indeed, Drives the Piglet Back Home.” Lessons from the Famine of the 1860s to Finnish Food Culture
and Agricultural Production

3.30 Leena Kurvet-Käosaar: Everyday Economies of Food in the Deportation Narratives of Baltic Women

4.00 Beata Paskevica: Die Schilderung der Speisepläne im Roman „Die Zeiten der Landvermesser“ als Illustration der Umkehr des Machtdiskurses zwischen der deutschbaltischen Oberschicht und den Letten

4.30 Coffee Break

5.00 Poster Session
Raili Allmäe, Leiu Heapost , Jana Limo, Evelin Vers: Tracing Dietary Information (in Archaeological
and Archaeo-botanical Studies): Meaning of Senses and Memories in Everyday Food Knowledge
Agnese Bankovska: Self-grown Food Consumption Tendencies
in Latvia. Households’ Reasoning and Environmental Aspects
Alina Lice: Wild Berries as Supplemental Food in the Soviet Estonia
Ester Võsu: Continuities and Changes in Domestic Households Consumption Habits

Thursday, 30 August 2012

9.00 Felix Heinert: Imagined Community and Beyond. Riga’s “Kosher
Revolution” of 1905

9.30 Mikhail Kizilov: The Way of Preparing Passover Bread (Matsa) and the Identity of Lithuanian Karaites

10.00 Olavi Arens: Food Aid in the Eastern Baltic Area in 1919

10.30 Kristina Lupp: Food Culture and Daily Life in Estonia 1918-1991

11.00 Coffee Break

11.30 Leon Poblete / Richard H. Nakamura: Micro-level Analysis of the BSR Economic Integration. A Case Study of the Meat Sector

12.00 Renata Blumberg: Baltic Histories, New Rural Geographies

12.30 Andrejs Kulnieks: Developing a Relationship with Baltic Landscapes Through the Study of Food. A Curriculum of Intergenerational Knowledge

1.00 Lunch Break

3.00 Susanne Österlund-Pötzsch: (Re)Discovering Nordic Wild Food. A Presentation of a Project in Progress

3.30 Kalle Raivo, Renata Sõukand: Supported Regional Food Culture in Estonia.

Sustainability Through Identity and Commercialization

4.00 Astra Spalvena: Remembrance of Things Past. The Narrative of a Contemporary Cookbook

4.30 Coffee Break

5.00 Sandro Steinbach: International Food Trade in the Baltic Countries. Development and Determinants of Import Trade

5.30 Justyna Straszczuk: Changing Food Culture in Rural Areas of the Polish- Belarusian Borderland

6.00 Talis Tisenkopfs, Lani Trenouth: Household Foodscapes in Transition

6.30 Round Table: Baltic Food Cultures – Past and Present

