Studying Graeco-Roman Egypt: New Approaches in a New Generation II

Studying Graeco-Roman Egypt: New Approaches in a New Generation II

Prof. Dr. Sabine R. Huebner, Dr. Irene Soto, Matthias Stern, MA
Institute of Ancient History, Petersgraben 51, CH - 4051 Basel
From - Until
28.09.2018 - 28.09.2018
Sabine R. Huebner

We are delighted to announce the second edition of our workshop series involving up-and-coming junior scholars in the field: “Studying Graeco-Roman Egypt: New Approaches in a New Generation II”. Everyone is welcome to attend. There is no conference fee. The event address is Institute of Ancient History, University of Basel, Rosshof, Room 306 (3rd floor). Petersgraben 51, CH–4051 Basel. For registration and further information, please contact either,, or


“Studying Graeco-Roman Egypt:
New Approaches in a New Generation II”

9:00 Welcome and Tour of the Department (Irene Soto and Matthias Stern, Basel)

9:30 Sabine Huebner (Basel) “Graeco-Roman Egypt in Basel: An Overview of Our Research Projects”

10:00 Francois Gerardin (Yale) “City and Empire in Egypt and Western Asia in the Second Century B.C.”

10:30 Coffee Break

11:00 Giuditta Mirizio (Bologna) “Administration and Communication in Ptolemaic Egypt. Archetypes and Antigrapha in the Papyrological Documentation”

11:30 Elizabeth Nabney (Ann Arbor) “The Impact of Labour and Mobility on Family Structures in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt”

12:00 Andrew Hogan (Yale) “Bidding and Buying in Greece and Egypt”

12:30 Lunch

14:30 Gabrielle Thiboutot (Stanford) “Reconsidering Roman Panel Paintings: What Can Material Sciences, the Ancient Economy, and Network Theory Tell Us about the ‘Fayum Portraits’?”

15:00 Alyssa Cady (Princeton) “Ornithomorphic Imagery and Rinceaux in P. Cotsen-Princeton I”

15:30 Coffee Break

16:00 Eugenio Garosi (Basel) “ ‘Striving for the Path’: Charting Lexical Borrowings to Contextualize Late Antique Heritage in Early Islamic Egypt”

16:30 Final Discussion

Contact (announcement)

Sabine Huebner

Fachbereich Alte Geschichte, Departement für Altertumswissenschaften
4051 Basel, Schweiz