Enforcing peace? British post-war planning and administration in occupied Germany after the Second World War

Enforcing peace? British post-war planning and administration in occupied Germany after the Second World War

Prof Daniel Siemens, Newcastle University; Kerstin Schulte, Bielefeld University
Newcastle University's School of History, Classics and Archaeology
Newcastle University
United Kingdom
From - Until
08.03.2019 -
Kerstin Schulte

Years before the Second World War came to an end, the British and the Americans concerned themselves with preparing and outlining procedures for the prospective occupation of the Axis nation. However, this occupation eventually took on a very different form than initially envisaged. Historical research has so far analysed this experience in terms of highlighting denazification, re-education, democratisation and reconstruction processes. By contrast, the transition period between war and peace has been neglected until very recently. We need to know more about the negotiation processes between the British Military Government and emerging German administrations, for example with regard to the establishment of a democratic voting system or the handling of former Nazis and their (re-)integration into the German post-war society. The workshop aims at shedding light on the preparation, local implementation and aftermath of the occupation which was as much a story of the war as it was part of the immediate post-war period and is, in light of similar problems elsewhere, of more general political significance.


Friday, 8 March 2019

09:45 Coffee & Tea

10:00 Welcome & Introduction: Kerstin Schulte (Bielefeld University) and Daniel Siemens (Newcastle University)

10:15-11:45 Panel 1
Christopher Knowles (King's College London): Reframing Military Occupation as a System of Rule: Origins, Impacts and Legacies

Sam Knapton (University of East Anglia): Poles and DPs in the British Zone of Occupation, 1945-1951

11:45-12:15 Coffee Break

12:15-13:45 Panel 2
David Phillips (University of Oxford): Planning and Implementing Education Policy in the British Zone: People and Policy

Kerstin Schulte (Bielefeld University): Classifying Nazis: Review Boards in the Internment Camps of the British Occupation Zone, 1946-1948

13:45-14:15 Lunch Break

14:15-15:45 Panel 3
Caroline Sharples (University of Roehampton): Burying the Past? Disposing of Executed Nazi War Criminals in the British and American Occupation Zones, 1945-51

Emily Oliver (University of Warwick): A Home Service for Germany: The BBC as Model for German Post-war Broadcasting

Tim Kirk (Newcastle University): Concluding remarks

Contact (announcement)

Kerstin Schulte

Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology (BGHS)
Universitätsstr. 25
33615 Bielefeld


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