Road Network and Urban Settlements in the Central Balkan Region (1th – 16th Century)

Road Network and Urban Settlements in the Central Balkan Region (1th – 16th Century)

Faculty of Philosophy Niš; Center for Byzantine-Slavic Studies University of Niš; Center for Historical Geography; Historical Demography University of Belgrade
Faculty of Philosophy Niš
From - Until
15.10.2019 - 16.10.2019
Vladimir Aleksić

The two-day conference to be held at the Faculty of Philosophy, Niš, during the third week of October 14-18. 10. 2019. The exact date will be determined soon. We aim to explore the theme of mutual relation between road infrastructure and small size urban settlements during this conference.
We are looking for presentations that explore, but are not limited to:

- Roman and medieval road infrastructure
- Roman secondary agglomeration, mutation and mansion, mining settlements
- Medieval market towns and fairs, church facilities (monasteries and bishops seats etc.) or rulers and noblemen’s courts
- Ottoman small size urban structures - Palanka, Kasaba, Seher
- Recent archaeological evidence of road and urban settlements system
- Issue of continuity and disruption of road network and settlements in different ages
- Usage of digital technologies in the study of above-listed topics

Abstracts should be no more than 500 words, and it should be sent before 30. June 2019. We are accepting papers in English, Italian, German and French.
Contact mail:
We plan to publish all papers from this conference in the conference proceedings with an estimated 12-month turnaround from the date of the meeting. All papers will undergo peer review.

Conference Organisation Team and Proceedings Editors:

1. Assistant professor Vladimir Aleksić - Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš
2. Dr Sara Zanni - previous affiliation Marie Curie fellow at Institute Ausonius, Université Bordeaux-Montaigne

Scientific Committee members:

1. Professor Emeritus Francis Tassaux – Institut Ausonius (Université Bordeaux-Montaigne)
2. Full Prof. Dr Siniša Mišić – Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
3. Full Prof. Aleksandar Nikolov, Faculty of History, University Saint Kliment Ohridski Sofia
4. Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr Phil. Mihailo Popović, Austrian Academy of Science ÖAW
5. Dr Florian Riedler, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Department of History, East European Studies, Coordinator of Priority Programme 1981 Transottomanica


Contact (announcement)