Religious Minorities in the North

Call for proposals: Religious Minorities in the North

Jonathan Adams, University of Gothenburg; Cordelia Heß, University of Greifswald; Christhard Hoffmann, University of Bergen; Norway
Vom - Bis
14.03.2021 -
Cordelia Heß, Historisches Institut, Universität Greifswald

For the new De Gruyter Open Access series "Religious Minorities in the North: History, Politics, and Cultures", we are inviting manuscript proposals on the history of religious minorities in all the Nordic countries and their former colonies from the arrival of Christianity to the modern day.

Call for proposals: Religious Minorities in the North

We are particularly interested in submissions that take a wide view of the history of religious minorities and their interactions with each other and the majority society. The purpose of this series is to promote scholarship and create new resources, including source editions, for the study of religious minorities in the North. We welcome scholars from the fields of history, theology and history of religion as well as literary studies, political science, sociology, anthropology, and linguistics.

Manuscript proposals (monographs and edited volumes) are encouraged from early career scholars and established researchers alike. They can be sent at any stage of a project, but ideally include one or two sample chapters and a detailed synopsis of the book. All titles in the series undergo a single blind peer- review process.

Editors of the series:
Jonathan Adams (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Cordelia Heß (University of Greifswald, Germany)
Christhard Hoffmann (University of Bergen; Norway)

Editorial board:
Håkan Rydving (Bergen)
Raisa Toivo (Tampere)
Stefanie von Schnurbein (Berlin)
Cora Alexa Døving (Oslo)


Prof. Dr. Cordelia Heß