The Emergence of Humanitarian Intervention. Concepts and Practices in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

The Emergence of Humanitarian Intervention. Concepts and Practices in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Dr. Fabian Klose (LMU München); in Cooperation with the Arbeitskreis Historische Friedensforschung (AKHF)
Historisches Kolleg
From - Until
25.10.2012 - 27.10.2012
Fabian Klose

Annual Meeting 2012 of the Arbeitskreis Historische Friedensforschung: “The Emergence of Humanitarian Intervention. Concepts and Practices in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries”

The issue of “humanitarian intervention” stands, especially given NATO’s recent involvement in the civil war in Libya, high on the agenda of international politics. Since the end of the Cold War this kind of intervention practice has established itself in the sphere of international diplomacy. Starting from the creation of safe havens for Kurdish refugees in Iraq in 1991 and following the UN interventions in Somalia and former Yugoslavia in 1992 one key question has repeatedly been raised and controversially discussed: Is it legitimate to protect humanitarian norms and universal human rights by military force?

Scholars of international law and political science have already discussed this issue at some length, mainly focusing on the cases of intervention in the 20th and 21st century. The aim of the annual meeting of the Arbeitskreis Historische Friedensforschung (German Association for Peace Research) is to historicize the phenomena of enforcing humanitarian norms by military means. In a broader interdisciplinary dialogue historians will discuss this topic with legal scholars, philosophers and political scientists to gain from each other’s perspectives. Apart from case studies relating to the 20th century the conference will also focus explicitly on developments in the 19th century in order to investigate the historical origins of humanitarian intervention and to bridge the experiences of two centuries of “enforcing humanity”.

Registration: Spaces limited. Pre-registration required. Please register not later than October 20, 2012, with:

We gratefully acknowledge the generous funding of the conference by the German Foundation for Peace Research (DSF). We also thank the History Department of the LMU Munich and the German Research Foundation (DFG) for their great support.



Thursday, October 25, 2012

14:00: Welcome and Introduction, Fabian Klose (München), Holger Nehring (Sheffield)
14:15-15:00: Keynote Lecture, Michael Geyer (Chicago), Humanitarianism and Human Rights: A Troubled Rapport

15:00-15:30: Coffee Break

15:30-17:30: Panel I: The Legal Discourse on Humanitarian Intervention and the Role of Public Opinion in the 19th Century
- Daniel Segesser (Bern), Humanitarian Intervention and the Issue of State Sovereignty in the Discourse of Legal Experts of the Second Half of the 19th Century
- Stefan Kroll (Toronto), Intervention and Justification
- Jon Western (South Hadley, MA), “Prudence or Outrage? Public Opinion and Influence on Humanitarian Intervention in Historical and Comparative Perspective”
- Chair: Christa Hämmerle (Wien)
Commentary: Martin Aust (München)

17:30-18:30: Break

18:30-20:00: Public Panel Discussion, Detlef Bald (München), Corinna Hauswedell (Bonn), Lawrence Moss (New York), Ulf Häußler (Berlin): „Protecting Human Rights by Force? Military and Political Perspectives in the 21st Century”

20:00: Reception

Friday, October 26, 2012

09:00-11:00: Panel II: Humanitarian Intervention in the 19th Century, Part I: Fighting the Slave Trade
- Fabian Klose (München), Enforcing Abolition: The Congress of Vienna and the Origins of Humanitarian Intervention
- Bronwen Everill (Warwick), Colonial Anti-Slavery and Humanitarian Intervention: Sierra Leone and Liberia from 1821-1861
- Mairi MacDonald (Toronto), Colonial Rule as Humanitarian Intervention: The Brussels Conference relative to the African Slave Trade 1890
- Chair: Jost Dülffer (Köln)
Commentary: Philipp Gassert (Augsburg)

11:00-11:30: Coffee Break

11:30-13:00: Panel III: Humanitarian Intervention in the 19th Century, Part II: Protecting Religious and Ethnic Minority Groups
- Davide Rodogno (Genf ), Interventions in the Ottoman Empire
- Abigail Green (Oxford), Patterns of Intervention: the Jewish Question as an International Problem in the 19th Century
- Chair: Fabian Klose (München)
- Commentary: Brendan Simms (Cambridge)

13:00-14:00: Lunch Break

14:00-16:00: Panel IV: Humanitarian Intervention in the Interwar Period
- Daniel Maul (Gießen), Questions of War and Peace: Quaker Relief and the Problem of Humanitarian Intervention 1870 to 1945
- Jost Dülffer (Köln), Humanitarian Intervention as Legitimation - the German Case 1937/1940
- Chair: Martin Geyer (München)
Commentary: Claudia Kemper (Hamburg)

16:00-16:30: Coffee Break

16:30-19:00: Panel V: Humanitarian Intervention during the Cold War
- Jan Erik Schulte (Dresden), From the Protection of Sovereignty to Humanitarian Intervention? Traditions and Developments of United Nations Peacekeeping in the 20th Century
- Norrie MacQueen (Dundee), Cold War Peacekeeping versus Humanitarian Intervention: Beyond the Hammarskjoldian Model
- Gottfried Niedhart (Mannheim), Humanitarian Catastrophies and the Problem of Intervention in the East-West Conflict: from Hungary 1956 to Helsinki 1975
- Patrick Merziger (Berlin), Civil-Military Cooperation in Humanitarian Missions of the Federal Republic of Germany 1960-1992
- Chair: Detlef Bald (München)
Commentary: Holger Nehring (Sheffield)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

09:00-11:00: Panel VI: A New Century of Humanitarian Intervention?
- Eric J. Morgan (University of Wisconsin), From Intervention to Non-Intervention: The United States and the Rwandan Genocide
- Bradley Simpson (Princeton), Realpolitik Praxis in Humanitarian Garb: The International Community’s Intervention in East Timor in 1999
- Manuel Fröhlich (Jena), The Responsibility to Protect as Normative Change: The Case of Libya
- Chair: Corinna Hauswedell (Bonn)
Commentary: Marie-Janine Calic (München)

11:00-11:30: Coffee Break

11:30-12:00: Final Commentary: Andrew Thompson (Exeter)
12:00-13:00: Final Discussion

Contact (announcement)

Fabian Klose

Historisches Seminar der LMU München
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, 80539 München

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