Agency and Austerity

Agency and Austerity

Großbritannien-Zentrum / Centre for British Studies, Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin
Centre for British Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mohrenstraße 60, 10117 Berlin
From - Until
06.04.2016 - 08.04.2016
Corinna Radke

Public Conference:
Agency and Austerity - German and British Perspectives
6-8 April 2016, Registration by 31 March 2016
Austerity is a political project with far-reaching consequences for those countries in which such measures are adopted. Rather than defining it as mere economic measures, the international and interdisciplinary Berlin-Britain Research Network understands austerity as a cultural and political construct with an impact in many different areas of society. This conference will explore the relation between agency and austerity and look at ways in which agency is restricted in legal, social, cultural and political terms. Since austerity is a complex phenomenon which cannot be looked at from one discipline only, we have invited keynote speakers from different disciplines and in particular we have chosen speakers who tend to work across disciplinary borders. Prof Mike Savage and Dr Rebecca Bramall both share an interest in culture, sociology and economics. Our speakers with a legal or political science background will add further perspectives on the issue. Speakers from Germany or with a German research focus will provide a comparative angle and the cultural studies group sheds light on the way in which austerity is constructed, represented and narrated in artistic practice and in the media.
The conference is the first larger academic conference of the Berlin-Britain Research Network with its focus on critical austerity studies. The main contributions will be published as an edited collection or a special journal issue.


Conference Programme
AGENCY AND AUSTERITY: German and British Perspectives
6-8 April 2016

Wednesday 6 April 2016
5.00 pm WELCOME: Prof Gesa Stedman
Prof Mike Savage, LSE/ London: Austerity and the
Politics of Inequality

7.00 pm Dinner: Restaurant Cha Cha (Friedrichstraße 63)

Thursday 7 April 2016
Dr Rebecca Bramall, University of the Arts/ London: Tax
Justice in Austerity: Logics, Residues and Attachments

10.45 am Coffee Break

11.00 am Robert Ogman: Counteracting Austerity through the
Social Investment Market? The Contradictions of
‘Mobilising Private Capital for Public Good’
11.25 am Respondent: Lynn Parkinson
11.30 am Discussion

11.50 pm In-House Lunch

1.00 pm Prof Ingrid von Rosenberg: Cuts in the Cultural Sector:
Their Political Rationale and Their Cultural, Social and
Economic Consequences
1.25 pm Respondent: Jon Meyer
1.30 pm Discussion

1.50 pm Dr Mikko Sihvonen: Austerity as Means of
Re-Distributing Power and Control in Media: Public
Service Media and Media Policies of the Thatcher and
Cameron Administrations in the UK
2.15 pm Respondent: Dr Hugh Mackay
2.20 pm Discussion

2.45 pm Coffee Break

3.00 pm Tathagata Sarkar: Austerity Protests in London and the
3.25 pm Respondent: Arne Gutsche
3.30 pm Discussion

4.00 pm Time Off

7 pm Dinner: Restaurant Vaporetto (Albrechtstraße 12)

Friday 8 April 2016
9.30 am Prof Allan Cochrane: Localism in a Time of Austerity
9.55 am Respondent: Dr Marius Guderjan
10.00 am Discussion

10.20 am Dr Andrej Holm: Austerity and Housing
10.45 am Respondent: Prof Allan Cochrane
10.50 am Discussion

11.15 am Coffee Break

11.30 am Dr Isabelle Hertner: Centre-Left Parties and Austerity:
How the Labour Party and the SPD Responded to the
Eurozone Crisis
11.55 am Respondent: Dr Adrian Wilding
12.00 am Discussion

12.20 pm CONCLUDING REMARKS: Prof Gesa Stedman

12.30 pm In-House Lunch / Departure

Contact (announcement)

Corinna Radke

Großbritannien-Zentrum /Center for British Studies
Mohrenstraße 60, 10117 Berlin
(030) 2093 99050
(030) 2093 99055
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