Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-imperialism

Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-imperialism

Project owner / organizer
University of New York ()
Hosting organization
New York
United States
From - Until
01.09.2013 - 15.12.2013
Immanuel Ness

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism will be a scholarly reference work that will include the most current literature on the subject. The project will have a broad readership attracting academics and graduate and upper-level undergraduate students studying imperialism and anti-imperialism across the globe. It will also be peer-reviewed by a host of leading scholars spanning the academic disciplines.

Across the globe, from the dawn of civilization, imperialism has been a defining and enduring feature of humanity. Almost all societies have been subjected to the forces of imperialism, disrupting customary political orders, socioeconomic activities, prohibiting old traditions, and imposing new customs, dislocating inhabitants from their communities and in some instances settling and occupying territories. Imperialism has been a primary force in driving people from their homelands by force, leading to the displacement of people, who wandered, or journeyed to new locations. At their most extreme, imperialists have engaged in ethnic cleansing and genocide in order to settle new lands.

Understanding imperialism leads to a better understanding of our own history. It has proved of exceptional importance in the social sciences and the humanities. With the end of formal Western colonization of the Global South in the 1970s and the 1980s, however, the absence of a primary academic scholarly reference on imperialism has been unmistakably evident. Since the 1990s, to make matters worse, the dismantling of the Soviet Union has diminished scholarly concern with imperialism. While post-colonial studies have dealt with persistent forms of cultural domination, the geopolitical and economic factors of imperialism have been generally downplayed. However, while formal imperialism has steadily declined, the rapid expansion of free-markets that has dramatically brought together global societies and stimulated a new era of imperialism within and across borders. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism is conceived and designed to fill this enormous gap for scholars and students across academic disciplines. In 2001, the publication of Empire, by Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt, and more recently Projecting Empire: Imperialism and Popular Cinema (2009), by James Chapman and Nicholas J. Cull, once again demonstrated the significance of imperialism. Other scholars like David Harvey, or Lee Grieveson and Colin McCabe in Film Studies, have offered fresh interpretations of the phenomenon. Nevertheless, there is still the profound need for a comprehensive, non-Euro-/American-centric collection on imperialism that will speak to the various and broad interests of scholars and students in the social sciences and the humanities across the globe.

Description and Rationale
The Palgrave Encyclopedia Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism will objectively present the prominent themes, epochal events, theoretical explanations, and historical accounts of imperialism from 1776 to the present. This scholarly endeavor will include discussion of the phenomenon in international, national, regional, ethic, and even religious terms. Our work will demonstrate how diverse interpretations of imperialism have shaped the way contemporary historians, social scientists, filmmakers, and scientists map the past. It analyzes the various methodologies, concepts, and pedagogies that have emerged. Imperialism has economic, geo-political, and cultural variants. The phenomenon has been generated by mercantilism, capitalism, and communism. Imperialism has been understood as a function of nationalism and militarism. Liberal, religious, and racist ideals have often justified the imperialist impulse. Our work treats all of this. It interprets imperialism from the standpoint of modernity and postmodernity and, thus, we take the eighteenth century as our starting point.

Imperialism has transformed human civilization, economic activity, redefined borders, and transformed the lives of most human beings on the planet. In the process, imperialism has circumscribed racial, ethnic, gender, class, caste, and other differences in identity. Our work explores the means by which imperialism and changes in transportation, science, and the new technology have propelled forms of imperialism in humans, as well as the resulting transformations of cultures, architecture, visual art, fashion, and food. We also analyze the negative impact of imperialism with respect to population transfers, forced migration, and the like. Millions upon millions of people have been displaced from their original communities and moved into inhospitable and intolerant localities. Refugees and victims of human and organ trafficking seeking political asylum constitute only the tip of the iceberg while slavery is only the most epochal and extreme example of what has been a general exploitation of the non-western world. While the drive to colonize typically embraces a view of human freedom and opportunity for some, for the vast majority, imperial and colonial movements have resulted in new forms of economic subjugation by those with more advanced technology and military might.

But the story of imperialism would be incomplete without including the resistance and the demand for freedom that it brought about. Anti-imperialism has taken as various a set of forms as imperialism itself. Resistance has been carried out by simple uprisings against cruelty and external domination. It has been spurred by the desire for national self-determination, continental unity against the oppressor, religious visions, and even the longing for imaginary communities. Anti-imperialism has been carried on by communist guerrillas, religious fanatics, liberals of good faith, intellectuals, activists, and everyday people. Our work will deal with the theorists and activists, the spontaneous uprisings and the organized revolutionary strategies, some of which has been mediated through visual media, which have shaped the anti-imperialist enterprise. It will present the forces activating population movements, chronicle the manner in which they unfolded, trace their roots, routes, goals, tactics, and influence, and evaluate their successes and failures. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism will be the most historically and academically comprehensive examination of the subject to date.

Call for Contributors
We have an incredible response from leading scholars of imperialism and anti-imperialism from around who have written essays for The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-imperialism (2014).
We are currently seeking contributors for the following essays
(Word count: 2,500 - 3,000 words – including notes, a bibliography, and captions for any illustration/s):
- Ali, Muhammad (formerly Clay, Cassius) (b. 1942)
- Ali, Tariq (b. 1943)
- Arendt, Hannah (1906-1975)
- Camus, Albert (1913-1960)
- Chomsky, Noam (b.1928)
- Foucault, Michel (1926-1984)
- hooks, bell (b. 1952)
- Memmi, Albert (b. 1920)
- Roy, Arundhati (b. 1961)
- Said, Edward (1935-2003)
- Spivak, Gayatri C. (b. 1942)

- Achebe, Chinua (b. 1930)
- Allende, Isabelle (b. 1942)
- Brecht, Bertolt (1898-1956)
- Coetzee, J. M. (b. 1940)
- Conrad, Joseph (1857-1924)
- Daneshvar, Simin (1921-2012)
- Genet, Jean (1910-1986)
- Gordimer, Nadine (b. 1923)
- Kipling, Rudyard (1865-1936)
- Llhosa, Mario Vargas (b. 1936)
- Mafhouz, Naguib (1911-2006)
- Malraux, André (1901-1976)
- Marquez, Gabriel Garcia (b. 1927)
- Naidu, Sarajoni (1879-1949)
- Neruda, Pablo (1904-1973)
- Ngugi Wa Tchongo (b. 1938)
- Tagore, Rabindranath (1861-1941)

(Word count: 3,000 - 4,000 words – including notes, a bibliography, and captions for any illustration/s)-
- Architecture
- Cultural Imperialism
- Decolonization
- Food
- Gender Violence
- Hybridity
- Identity
- Liberation Theology
- Orientalism
- Post-Colonialism
- Racism
- Religious Imperialism
- Subaltern

Interested colleagues should forward, to the general editors, an abridged CV clearly stating their research interests and output, as well as current institutional affiliation (as applicable). (The general editors of The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism also welcome ‘suggested essays’ (titles) from potential contributors for consideration.)

All essays will clearly lay out the topic, provide historical context and apply a relevant analytic viewpoint, and will include a short bibliography. Contributors to The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism should also apply relevant analytic viewpoints as most scholarly books would do. We intend the essays in the work to go beyond description to an analysis of the major currents in each of the topics. In this respect, The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism is a scholarly-reference work. Scholarly-reference counts for academic purposes equivalently to almost all refereed journal articles.

Contributor’s names will be listed prominently below the title of essays with the biography in the beginning of the work. The same version of The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism will appear in hard copy and online.

Please note that contributors who wish to include ‘Third Party’ materials – such as photographs, pictures, drawings, tables, maps, graphs – must obtain necessary consents, licenses and/or permissions. The link about using ‘Third Party’ material, which includes the guidelines and useful tips and a permission tracker document, is:

Palgrave Macmillan provides contributors to The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism with the following benefits:
- a copy of their final typeset article for use on institution listservs
the opportunity to purchase The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-imperialism for the contributor’s own personal use at a discount of 50% on the retail price.
(Unfortunately, due to budget restrictions we are unable to offer payment to contributors.)

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