Dr. Katja Castryck-Naumann

Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa
Verflechtung und Globalisierung

Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

1996-2003: Study of History, Philosophy and Political Sciences at the University of Leipzig, with studies abroad at the University of Edinburgh and the University of Leipzig
2003-2011: Postgraduate student in the International PhD Program "Regionalisation and Transnationalisation from the 18th Century to the Present", Research Academy Leipzig
2003-2008: Member of the Research Program "Representations of the Past. The Writing of National Histories in Europe, Team 3: National Histories and their Relationship with Regional, European and World Histories (European Science Foundation)
2005-2008: Member of the Research Project "The Place of the 18th Century in Global History" (Tri-National Research Conferences, German Research Council)
2007-2009: Member of the Research Project "World History Writing and Area Studies in Europe and the US in Comparison (German Research Council Priority Project "Science, Politics and Society. Germany in International Contexts in the late 19th and 20th Centuries



Avenues and Confines of Globalizing the Past: UNESCO’s International Commission for a “Scientific and Cultural History of Mankind” (1952-1969), in: Madeleine Herren (ed.), Networks in Times of Transition. Toward a Transcultural History of International Organisations, Springer Verlag, forthcoming
The Writing of World History in Europe from the Middle of the 19th century to the Present: Conceptual Renewal and Challenge to National Histories, in: Matthias Middell  (ed.), Transnational Challenges to National History Writing in Europe (= Palgrave Series "The Writing of National Histories in Europe"), Palgrave (with Matthias Middell), forthcoming
Fresh Look from an old Place: (Re-)Writing World Histories in Europe, in: Douglas Northrop (ed.), A Companion on World History, Wiley Blackwell Publishing, in Press
Gangstertaten, Stellungskriege und beherztes Improvisieren. Walter Markov und die internationalen Historikerkongresse, in: Matthias Middell (ed.), “Lust am Krimi”. Beiträge zu Werk und Wirkung Walter Markovs, Leipzig 2011, p. 87–127
Weltgeschichte et histoire globale en Allemagne, in: Revue de l’Institut Francais d’Histoire en Allemagne (2010) 2, p. 247–284 (with Matthias Middell)