Genocidal Violence: Concepts, Forms, Impact

Genocidal Violence: Concepts, Forms, Impact

Prof. Dr. Dr. Frank Jacob, Nord Universitet
Vom - Bis
31.12.2021 -
Frank Jacob, Social Sciences, Nord University

Call for chapter proposals in relation to a new volume in the series "Genocide and Mass Violence in the Age of Extremes".

Genocidal Violence: Concepts, Forms, Impact

For the publication of a new volume, tentatively titled "Genocidal Violence: Concepts, Forms, Impact", which will be published in the series Genocide and Mass Violence in the Age of Extremes (, including a free and unlimited Open Access format, proposals for a chapter, ranging from 6.500 to 8.000 words (footnotes, latest Chicago Manual of Style) are requested until December 31, 2021.

The volume will offer an introduction to theoretical concepts, different forms, and the impact of genocidal violence. It intends to serve as a compendium of texts that can be used in a variety of introductory courses on genocide and courses related to the history of violence in particular. At the same time it intends to offer a survey on debates and recent research about the history, sociology and psychology of genocidal violence.

Therefore, chapter proposals that include, but are not limited to the following topics, would be appreciated:

- Theoretical reflections about genocidal violence, including time-space related aspects, perpetrator groups and dynamics of violence as well as the remembrance and commemoration of genocidal violence.

- Proposals that thake a closer look at specific forms of violence related to genocide, i.e. individual and group related violence, organized and spontaneous violence, physicial or psychological forms of violence, etc.

- The impact of genocidal violence on individuals, groups, and whole societies, especially with regard to narratives about the past and political issues related to the experience of genocide.

If your work is related to these aspects and questions, please do send a proposal (max. 250 words) and a short bio (max. 150 words) to until December 31, 2021. Final papers, ranging from 6.500 to 8.000 words (including footnotes, excluding works cited) are expected by July 31, 2022. All submissions will be reviewed and once revised after acceptance, a proofreading and language editing will be provided for non-native speakers as well.

In case of questions related to this project, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

