"Occupied Italy 1943-1947" Issue 2

"Occupied Italy 1943-1947" Issue 2

Occupied Italy, 1943-1947
Vom - Bis
07.02.2022 -
Sarah Lias Ceide, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

The journal Occupied Italy 1943–1947, dedicated to the study of the history of the Second World War in Italy and its immediate consequences, is opening the call for papers to select the articles that will be published in the next issue (April 2022), dedicated to the theme "Resistances and the Allies".

"Occupied Italy 1943-1947" Issue 2

The topic of the relationship with the Allies, in the evolution of historiography on the Resistance, has mostly remained in the background. The debates that accompanied the first histories of the Resistance mirrored the profound political divergences that characterized the phenomenon and that would only be worsened by the impact of the Cold War on post-war Italian politics.

With the opening of the archives of the Anglo-American strategic intelligence services, with whom the Italian Resistance interacted extensively, a new season of studies on the subject has slowly begun to develop, first in the context of Anglo-Saxon historiography and then of the Italian one. Studies published recently renewed the debate on the theme of the relationship between the Allies and the Resistance. The tendency to look at the phenomenon of national resistance from a transnational and European perspective has opened the way for a contextualization of the phenomenon of Resistance in a broader framework of military and political strategy. On another level, local stories have highlighted the experience of the relationship between the liberators/ occupiers and the local resistance movements.

The second issue of Occupied Italy, therefore, wants to contribute to a broad and articulated debate that reflects the most recent trends in the historiography of the subject.

Contributions related to the following topics are encouraged (the list is not to be considered exhaustive):

The Allies and local Resistances from Southern to Northern Italy; The relationship between the Anglo-American strategic services and the Italian Resistance; Transnational dynamics in the relationship between the Allies and the Resistance; Relationship between the Resistance and the USSR; Cooperation and support (economic, ideological, military, intelligence) between the Allies and the Resistance; Distrust and disagreements, both between the Allies and the Resistance and within the Resistance itself (and the impact these internal conflicts had on the relationship with the Allies); Representations in the media of relations between the Allies and the Resistance; Gender perspectives (for example the role of women in partisan and allied intelligence); Innovative approaches in the study of sources (Digital Humanities).

The articles, with a maximum length of 60.000 characters, will be subjected to double-blind peer review and must be submitted by 7 February 2022 to the following address: editors@occupieditaly.org.

Selected authors will be contacted by 22 March 2022. Authors will have to submit the final version of the articles, after revisions, by 18 April 2022.

Author guidelines are available here: http://occupieditaly.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Author-guidelines-for-publications.pdf.

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