Nordic Neighbourhoods: Affinity and Distinction in the Baltic Sea Region and Beyond

Nordic Neighbourhoods: Affinity and Distinction in the Baltic Sea Region and Beyond

ReNEW Södertörn University & CBEES Södertörn University
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01.06.2022 - 03.06.2022
Steffen Werther

Call for Panels: 5th Nordic Challenges Conference at Södertörn University, Sweden, 1-3 June 2022. Main Theme: Nordic Neighbourhoods: Affinity and Distinction in the Baltic Sea Region and Beyond

Nordic Neighbourhoods: Affinity and Distinction in the Baltic Sea Region and Beyond

In the past two years, neighbourly interactions have become a major challenge for countries, territories, and peoples. In the Nordic states as well as globally, the Covid-19 pandemic has amplified tendencies of bordering and political or social disengagement with the surrounding world. At the same time, efforts to curb the pandemic have given rise to new forms of virtual communication.

The 5th Nordic Challenges Conference, organised as an on-site event by the ReNEW university hub, follows current developments and sheds light on the topic of Nordic neighbourhoods from various humanities and social science perspectives.

Panel proposals are expected to address recent schisms and rapprochement, or ingrained affinities and differences. Inter-Nordic relationships and Nordic entanglements with the Baltic Sea Region, Eastern and Central Europe, the EU, the UK, and the Arctic are of special interest to the neighbourhood theme of the conference. In addition, the 5th Nordic Challenges Conference offers a forum for any research dealing with the Nordic countries in an evolving world that fits under one of the ReNEW hub’s six research streams:

1. Nordic cooperation and region-building
2. Democracy, governance, and law
3. Public policy, gender equality, and labour markets
4. Imagining Norden – branding and Nordic reputation
5. Multiculturalism and globalisation
6. Nordic culture, education, and media

We invite proposals for
(a) panels with conference papers
(b) book panels (author meets critics)
(c) roundtable and other events

All of the above should address themes and challenges in the Nordic countries.

Proposals for (a) may mention up to four related paper titles and presenters, but participation may also be left open. At a later stage, paper proposals will be called for, reviewed on their own merits, and assigned to confirmed panels.

By contrast, proposals for (b) and (c) should contain a complete list of participants upon submission, since those proposals will be reviewed as a unit. We especially encourage roundtable events that include leading scholars and practitioners as discussants or participants.
Visit the conference website for further information:

Submit your proposal via

Deadline for Panel Proposals: 8 January 2022, 23:59 CET

A call for papers will follow in February 2022!

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