Everyday Militarism: Perspectives and Approaches

Everyday Militarism: Perspectives and Approaches

Conflict, Reconstruction and Memory Research Group, Swansea University (Swansea University)
Swansea University
United Kingdom
Vom - Bis
05.07.2022 - 06.07.2022
Christoph Laucht, Department of History, Swansea Univeristy

The Research Group for the Study of Conflict, Reconstruction and Memory (CRAM) of Swansea University, UK, invites proposals for its annual conference on ‘Everyday Militarism: Perspectives and Approaches’. The conference will bring together and appraise diverse approaches to the study of everyday militarism to date and consider ways in which scholars working in various disciplines can learn from each other with future research in mind.

Everyday Militarism: Perspectives and Approaches

It is well established that militarism exists far beyond military power and warfare. Though not always visible, it occupies multiple domains of civilian life, driving and driven by social relations, normative ‘values’, and individual emotions. ‘Everyday’ militarism has become the focus of multi-disciplinary research, engaging scholars in disciplines including international relations, gender, security studies, media studies, critical military studies, history, geography, peace and conflict studies, sociology, economics, literature, anthropology, archaeology and heritage.

The Research Group for the Study of Conflict, Reconstruction and Memory (CRAM) of Swansea University, UK, invites proposals for its annual conference on ‘Everyday Militarism: Perspectives and Approaches’. The conference will bring together and appraise diverse approaches to the study of everyday militarism to date and consider ways in which scholars working in various disciplines can learn from each other with future research in mind. We welcome proposals from experts of everyday militarism belonging to any academic discipline. Themes explored in the conference may include, but are not limited to:

- Theories about everyday militarism

- Bridging disciplines in the study of everyday militarism

- Case studies of everyday militarism

- Drivers of everyday militarism

- Sites, spaces and domains of everyday militarism

- Manifestations of everyday militarism

- Tools and channels of communication of everyday militarism

- Race, gender, and/or heteronormativity underpinning militarism

- Historicizing everyday militarism

- Everyday militarism and (in)security

In light of the uncertain and highly dynamic situation around the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic, the conference will be held as an online event. Please send a proposal of no more than 250 words and a short biographical note (1 page max.) by 28 February 2022 to:

Dr Christoph Laucht (c.laucht@swansea.ac.uk)
Department of History, Classics and Heritage
Swansea University
Singleton Campus
Swansea, SA2 8PP
United Kingdom


Dr Eugene Miakinkov (j.miakinkov@swansea.ac.uk)
Department of History, Classics and Heritage
Swansea University
Singleton Campus
Swansea, SA2 8PP
United Kingdom


Dr Christoph Laucht
