Opening of the Institute for Medical & Health Humanities and Artistic Research

Opening of the Institute for Medical & Health Humanities and Artistic Research

IMHAR - Institute for Medical & Health Humanities and Artistic Research
Hochschule für Künste im Sozialen, Ottersberg (Online-Event)
Vom - Bis
25.03.2022 - 25.03.2022
Monika Ankele, OE Ethik, Sammlungen und Geschichte der Medizin, MedUni Wien

The Institute for Medical & Health Humanities and Artistic Research combines approaches of artistic research with those of medical and health humanities to develop innovative perspectives on health-related issues as well as concepts and practices in medical cultures. It is a place and forum for transdisciplinary approaches and research practices and initiates, designs and conducts research projects, builds project-related collaborations and develops participatory formats! Join us!

Opening of the Institute for Medical & Health Humanities and Artistic Research

We cordially invite you to join the opening of the Institute for Medical & Health Humanities and Artistic Research. The specific aims of the institute are

- to develop research projects in the Medical & Health Humanities that combine cultural studies research questions and methods with artistic research methods, and to conduct them with partner institutions and actors from the cultural sciences, medical and health-related fields, the field of artistic practices (all art forms), as well as with patients, relatives and other groups of affected persons;
- to contribute to the establishment and further development of the inter- and transdisciplinary work and research field of Medical & Health Humanities in the German-speaking area and to promote the exchange and the networking with partner institutions on a national and international level;
- to develop innovative communication and publication formats that address different publics, based on the special link between the Medical & Health Humanities and artistic research strategies;
- to develop seminar and continuing education programs for medical, health-related, and consulting education and training contexts based on artistic/research/art-based approaches.

03:15-04:45 p.m. (CEST) (Online-Event)

There will be short talks by Prof. Dr Ralf Rummel-Suhrcke (HKS Ottersberg), Mascha Deneke (Hamburg), Dr Monika Ankele (Medical University Vienna), Prof. Dr Gabriele Schmid (HKS Ottersberg), Prof. Dr Heinz-Peter Schmiedebach (Berlin) and Prof. Dr Céline Kaiser (HKS Ottersberg).

Afterwards, we cordially invite you to join us for conversations and a prosecco in our virtual foyer.

Please register here:

