Seventh European Congress on World and Global History: Conflict and Inequity, Peace and Justice: Local, Regional, and International Perspectives

Seventh European Congress on World and Global History: Conflict and Inequity, Peace and Justice: Local, Regional, and International Perspectives

European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH)
The Hague
Vom - Bis
29.06.2023 - 01.07.2023
Connections Redaktion, Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics, Universität Leipzig

Under the main congress theme “Conflict and Inequity, Peace and Justice: Local, Regional, and International Perspectives”, we aim to discuss structural and specific causes of conflict and inequity as well as the corollary features of various quests for peace and justice. These causes and quests – as core constellations and long-lasting aspirations, respectively – have shaped the lives of peoples and the development of socio-political orders in all historical periods and around the globe.

Seventh European Congress on World and Global History: Conflict and Inequity, Peace and Justice: Local, Regional, and International Perspectives

About two decades ago the European Congress on World and Global History took place for the first time, and since then, scholars from across the continent and other world regions have met every three years to share and discuss new research in the field, advancing concepts of comparative and entangled histories, in a longue durée perspective. The 7th ENIUGH Congress will be hosted by Leiden University on its campus in The Hague, UN City of Peace and Justice, from 29 June to 1st July 2023.

Building on the recent experience of new formats for scientific exchange as a result of the Covid19-pandemic, the congress will offer online-sessions, with most of the programme being planned to take place on-site in the inspiring surroundings of The Hague. The general events such as the opening ceremony and roundtable discussions each day will be streamed online to allow distant participants to take part.

Under the main congress theme “Conflict and Inequity, Peace and Justice: Local, Regional, and International Perspectives”, we aim to discuss structural and specific causes of conflict and inequity as well as the corollary features of various quests for peace and justice. These causes and quests – as core constellations and long-lasting aspirations, respectively – have shaped the lives of peoples and the development of socio-political orders in all historical periods and around the globe. Having impacted historical processes of every kind, we therefore think that it is crucial to comprehend them both if we want to understand the challenges and potential of the present day. We invite panels and papers to examine how historical narratives have been constructed around moments of peace and of conflict and to reflect on the long-term impacts of conflict and inequity in relation to processes of reconciliation and peace-making. We are particularly interested in relational and dialectical interpretations of peace and conflict as well as of justice and inequity in a historical perspective, including: the different scales on and the various dimensions in which they played out.

We thus welcome proposals addressing, but not limited to:
- the global history of processes of conflict, inequity, peace, and justice;
- the interplay between the local, national, regional, imperial, international and interregional levels of conflict, inequity, peace, and justice;
- new interpretations of the social, political, economic, intellectual and environmental dimensions of peace and conflict;
- exploration of the structural and specific causes of conflict and inequity and the corollary features of quests for peace and justice;
- the history of global justice, broadly defined, to include the legal, social, intellectual and political dimensions of how this concept has been defined in the context of conflict;
- perspectives that transcend the Western perspective on various issues of conflict, inequity, peace, and justice and highlight the role of traditionally marginalized or under-represented actors;
- global views of conflict, inequity, and peace that offer different insights into the evolution of global justice.

In addition to contributing to the main conference theme, we also invite the submission of proposals dealing with historical relations, transfers, and entanglements between states, peoples, communities, and individuals situated in, or spanning, different regions of the world. The congress remains committed to transcending the confines of national and eurocentric historiographies. Proposed topics may include cultural and economic processes as well as the various aspects of material and social life, as well as represent approaches from disciplines throughout the area studies, humanities, arts, and social sciences.
We look forward to welcoming to The Hague scholars and teachers from all parts of Europe and other world regions who are interested in historical interactions and connectivity – whether conceived as micro- or macro-history –, and who examine cross-border movements or intercontinental relations in respective local and historical idiosyncrasies.

Panel Proposals
We invite the submission of proposals for panels comprising up to a maximum of 4 to 6 participants, including chair and commentator(s) per session. It is possible to submit a proposal for double panels. In addition to the names, affiliations, and email addresses of the convenor(s), chair, participants, and commentator(s), proposals should include the title and abstract of the panel (200–400 words) and the title and abstract of each individual paper (100–300 words each).

Individual Paper Proposals
We also invite the submission of individual paper proposals that can either be included in open slots in the already accepted panels or form additional panels. Since the congress will be organized into two-hour panels, the ENIUGH Steering Committee will choose paper proposals according to their ability to facilitate fruitful discussions among panellists. In addition to providing a name, affiliation, and email address, the proposal should include the title and abstract of the paper (100–300 words).

All proposals for panels and papers must be sent by 31 May 2022 and submitted electronically through the ENIUGH congress


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