Central European Institutions, New Worlds And Old Mythologies

Central European Institutions, New Worlds And Old Mythologies

Olomouc Museum of Art - Central European Forum
Czech Republic
Vom - Bis
15.09.2022 - 17.09.2022
Barbora Kundracikova

SEFO 2022 Conference focuses on the CE institutional policy and praxis. It calls upon regional museums of art and galleries working with permanent exhibitions to share their experience and discuss the proposed narratives, with the aim to create a common platform. The conference is part of the year-round SEFO 2022 programme, in which the main topic is the revision of the relationship between "home and abroad" in contemporary Central European thinking.

Central European Institutions, New Worlds And Old Mythologies

How do Central European cultural institutions, museums and galleries work? What problems do they face and what are their goals? What similarities are there among their historical, cultural and operational experiences? In addition, does it make sense to strive to connect them on

a common platform? These are just some of the questions raised by the international conference organized by the Central European Forum Olomouc (SEFO). Our intention is to examine the possibilities of cooperation and also to find not only potential intersections but also the limits that exist.

Attention will be paid to three related areas – (1) institutional policy, (2) exposition practices and (3) education. While the first panel focuses on the conditions and ways in which regional institutions operate on a long-term basis, the second and third panels are dedicated to specific experiences related mainly to the organization and functioning of permanent exhibitions, their connection with short- term projects and educational programmes.

The conference is intended primarily for experts in the field, but it is also open to the general public. In addition to invited speakers and representatives of the institutions, we welcome independent researchers to present current findings or trends. Papers with a length of 30 minutes, accompanied by presentations or screenings, are welcome. Each paper includes time for a focused discussion. At the end of each panel, a moderated round table will take place.

The maximum size of the abstract is limited to 1.800 characters. It should be supplemented by a short biographical statement limited to 500 characters. Both should be sent to the following e-mail address: SEFO@muo.cz. The deadline for submission is
April 30, 2022. Successful applicants will be notified by May 15, 2022. The resulting programme, including invited keynote speakers, will be published by May 31, 2022.

The conference will take place in Olomouc or will be organized as a hybrid event, depending on the COVID-19 situation. The working language is English. Limited funds are available for travel costs and accommodation. Please indicate in your application if you require such support.



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