Panel 1: The classical irony discourse I: Socrates
09.30 am Clifford Orwin: Does Thrasymachus play the city? The critique of irony and popular resentment of philosophy
10:15 am John Lombardini: Aristophanes’ Un-Ironic Socrates
Coffee break
11:30 am Francesco Mari: Angry at Socrates. Politeness and Irony in Plato
12:15 am Tobias Joho: Tragic Irony in the Democratic Court: On Plato’s Apology
01:00 pm Lunch
Panel 2: The modern irony discourse
02:30 pm Elizabeth Markovits: The Power of Shamelessness: Irony and Demagoguery in Contemporary US Discourse
03:15 pm Hans-Martin Schönherr-Mann: „Die Wahrheit zum Lachen bringen“ (Eco)! Oder ist die Ironie in der Krise?
Coffee break
04:30 pm Walther Reese-Schäfer: Risiken und Verständnisprobleme der Ironie
05:15 pm Anna Schober: Visual irony, ambivalence and polarization. The body and the public sphere in the transmedia works of Nilbar Güreş
07:00 pm Conference dinner
Panel 3: The classical irony discourse II: Beyond Socrates
09:30 am Jonas Grethlein: Gorgianic Irony
10:15 am Carlotta Voß: Discovering the political. Thucydides, irony, and democracy
Coffee break
11:30 am Christian Wendt: Ironische Portraits politischer Größen bei Herodot
12:15 am Pascal Matheus: Herodotus and the Limits of Power – Irony in the Histories
01:00 pm Lunch
02:30–03:30 pm Round Table Discussion