War and Journalism

Prof. Dr. Dr. Frank Jacob, Nord Universitet
Vom - Bis
15.06.2022 -
Frank Jacob, Social Sciences, Nord University

Journalists played and still play an important role when they report about wars and thereby provide information about battles and campaigns from all around the globe. Very often, journalists have thereby shaped the way in which wars were perceived or interpreted and whose efforts on the battlefield were deemed heroic or morally superior.

War and Journalism

Journalists played and still play an important role when they report about wars and thereby provide information about battles and campaigns from all around the globe. Very often, journalists have thereby shaped the way in which wars were perceived or interpreted and whose efforts on the battlefield were deemed heroic or morally superior. For a volume in Brill/Schöningh’s series War (Hi)Stories (https://brill.com/view/serial/WHS) this call is therefore directed towards scholars at any career level who work on journalism in war related contexts, including, but not limited to, the following aspects and questions:

War correspondents. Which role did war correspondents play with regard to the way wars were perceived and interpreted by public audiences?
War journalism. In how far did journalism change in times of war and what were the consequences for the press structures in specific national or transnational contexts?
War criticism. In which ways did journalists criticize wars or warfaring parties/countries?
War commemoration. What was or still is journalists’ role with regard to the commemoration of wars of the past?

Short proposals (ca. 250-300 words) and a short bio should be sent to frank.jacob@nord.no until June 15, 2022. Final papers, ranging from 7,500-10,000 words, including footnotes (following the latest Chicago Manual of Style), but excluding refrences are expected by November 30, 2022.



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