Thursday, 12th May 2022
18.30: Panel Discussion with Jessica Nupen about her Dance/Rap/Opera The Nose (2021)
Friday, 13th May 2022
10.00: Welcome and Introduction
10.15–12.00: Panel 1: Opera Productions in and outside of South Africa
Dr. Melissa Gerber (University of Johannesburg, South Africa): Opera in Afrikaans, Again, or, Re-making a Genre in South Africa: The Cases of Poskantoor (2014) and Die Vertrek (2019)
Dr. Andrew Holden (Oxford Brookes University, UK) and Alessandro Talevi: Emerging from the Forest: Cape Town Opera’s Pandemic Hänsel and Gretel
Dr. Robert Fokkens (Cardiff University, UK): Introducing Bhekizizwe: Models and Approaches for Creating New Opera in South Africa and Beyond
12.30–13.30: Panel 2: Mapping the Working Situation of South African Opera Singers
M.A. Sakhiseni Joseph Yende (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa): A Perspective of Young Opera Graduates on their Working Situation in South African Opera Industry
B.A. Setsoane Jeannette Ntseki (University of Cape Town, South Africa): Employment in the South African Opera Industry: In search of Constructive Models to Create Sustainable Job Opportunities for Opera Singers/Musicians
13.30–14.30: Panel 3: The South African Opera Voice in Discourse
Prof. Dr. Johann Buis (McGill University, Canada): Midas Touch Voice Teacher: The Making of International Opera Superstars in Post-Apartheid South Africa
M.A. Joshua Tolulope David (University of Toronto, Canada): More Than Voices: An Analysis of Vocal Models in Operatic Tradition in Africa
15.30–17.00: Panel 4: Developments of the South African Opera Landscape
Dr. Tinus Spies (University of Pretoria): The Gauteng Opera Scene 2012–2022: A Performer’s Perspective
Prof. Dr. Lena van der Hoven (Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, University of Bern): The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Pre-Existing Precarity of South Africa’s Opera Scene
Dr. Donato Somma (Witwatersrand University, South Africa): The Changing Appetites for Opera in Post-Apartheid SA
17.00–17.30: Final Discussion