Koselleck and the Philosophy of History

Koselleck and the Philosophy of History

Chiel van den Akker, Helge Jordheim, Lisa Regazzoni (Journal of the Philosophy of History)
Journal of the Philosophy of History
Vom - Bis
15.06.2022 - 15.06.2022
Lisa Regazzoni, Abteilung Geschichtswissenschaft, Universität Bielfeld

Inside and outside of Germany, Koselleck’s work continues to spark discussions across a wider range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. By contrast, the reception in the Anglophone tradition of philosophy of history more specifically has yet to take place.
The Journal of the Philosophy of History has planned a special issue in the autumn of 2023 on Koselleck and philosophy of history, to debate the relevance of Koselleck’s work for current questions in this field.

Koselleck and the Philosophy of History

Inside and outside of Germany, Koselleck’s work continues to spark discussions across a wider range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. By contrast, the reception in the Anglophone tradition of philosophy of history more specifically has yet to take place.

What are the outcomes when Koselleck’s work is brought into conversation with the work of authors that are typically associated with this tradition (e.g. White, Oakeshott, Skinner, Collingwood, LaCapra, and Ankersmit)? What new questions does Koselleck’s work raise? How does it provide alternative answers to the questions that are being posed in philosophy of history broadly construed? These questions and conversations would potentially change our understanding both of Koselleck and of his counterparts in the Anglophone tradition of philosophy of history.

The Journal of the Philosophy of History has planned a special issue in the autumn of 2023 on Koselleck and philosophy of history, to debate the relevance of Koselleck’s work for current questions in the field of the philosophy of history and to celebrate the centennial of his birth.

Papers (8,000 words) are to be submitted by February 1 2023. Papers will be reviewed by the editors of the special issue and at least one external reviewer. The final (revised) papers are due May 1 2023. Guidelines can be found at the journal’s webpage. The special issue is co-edited by Helge Jordheim, Lisa Regazzoni and Chiel van den Akker. An online workshop will be planned early in January 2023.

We invite prospective authors to send us abstracts (up to 500 words) emailed as an attachment by June 15th 2022. Authors will be notified of decisions within one month of this deadline.

Suggestions for papers include (but are not limited to):

- Koselleck and [name of one of his counterparts] on History and Justice
- Koselleck and [name of one of his counterparts] on the Politics of Memory
- Koselleck and [name of one of his counterparts] the Task of the Historian
- Koselleck and [name of one of his counterparts] on Conservatism
- Koselleck and [name of one of his counterparts] on Historical Experience
- Koselleck and Utopia
- Koselleck on the relation between Political Theory and History
- Koselleck on Learning from the Past
- Koselleck on the Besiegter of history
- Koselleck and Memorialization
- Koselleck on Collective Identity


Helge Jordheim, E: helge.jordheim@ikos.uio.no
Lisa Regazzoni, E: lisa.regazzoni@uni-bielefeld.de
Chiel van den Akker, E: c.m.vanden.akker@vu.nl

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