Eva Marie Lehner, Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies (BCDSS), Universität Bonn
03:00 pm. Opening
03:30 pm. Keynote I
JENNIFER MORGAN (NYU): The Measure of their Sadness: Slavery, Kinship and the Marketplace in the Early Black Atlantic (Chair: Claudia Jarzebowski)
04:30 pm. COFFEE BREAK
05:00 pm. Panel I: Long Legacies and Political Engagements, Chair: Susanne Lettow
Bernadette Brooten (Brandeis University): Christian and Jewish enslaved Persons and Enslavers: Long Legacies
Veronika Detel (Universität Hamburg): Beyond Slavery and Freedom? Conceptions of Dependency in Abolitionist and Proto-Feminist Political Thinkers, 1780–1850
06:30/07:00 pm. Reception
09:30 am. Keynote II
KEYNOTE II: REBEKKA VON MALLINCKRODT (UNIVERSITÄT BREMEN): Just burn it? Visual Representations of Slavery in Early Modern Germany – Historical and Contemporary Approaches (Chair: Heike Raphael-Hernandez)
10:30 am. Coffee Break
11:00 am. Panel II: Belonging and Community Building, Chair: Claudia Jarzebowski
Özgül Özdemir (Stanford University) and Yıldız Yılmaz (Boğaziçi University): Glimpses into Lives of Black Eunuchs in the Nineteenth-Century-Ottoman Harem: Histories of Race, Violence, Emotions
Télio Cravo (European University Institute): Neither a History of Slaves in the Atlantic nor a History of Captives in the Mediterranean: Towards a Global History of Enslavement in the early Nineteenth-Century
Ludolf Pelizäus (Université de Picardie Jules Verne): Exposing People: Persecution, Exposition and Animalization of People of Color in Eighteeth-Century Germany reflected in Material Culture
Michael Zeuske (BCDSS): Seeing Slaves? Alexander von Humboldtʼs Travels to the Americas (1799–1804)
01:15 pm. Lunch
02:15 pm. Panel III: Contemporary Challenges of History and Memory, Chair: Heike Raphael-Hernandez
Veronica Jackson (Artist, Bedford, Virginia): Interpreting the Fugger and Welser Manillas: The Language and Currency of Slaveryʼs Global Industry
Jan Hüsgen (German Lost Art Foundation): Colonial Collecting for the ʻPeripheryʼ – the Saxon African Expedition (1731–1733)
Hans Fässler (Independent Scholar, St. Gallen): A Zurich Monument Toppled: The (Post-)Colonial Case of Swiss Industrialist and Entrepreneur Alfred Escher (1819–1882)
04:00 pm. Coffee Break
04:30 pm. Keynote III
MANISHA SINHA (UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT): Slave Resistance in the Making of Abolotion (Chair: Pia Wiegmink)
09:30 am. Keynote IV
RENATE DÜRR (UNIVERSITÄT TÜBINGEN): The Silence of the Sermons, or What happened to Abraham before his Baptism at the Age of Seventeen? (Chair: Susanne Lettow)
10:30 am. Coffee Break
11:00 am. Panel IV: Slavery and Dependency in German Global History, Chair: Eva Lehner
Klaus Weber (Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder) and Tobias Skowronek (Universität Bochum): Labor and Commodity Chains behind the Currencies and Barter Goods in the West African Slave Trade (Between Eleventh and Nineteenth Centuries)
Josef Köstlbauer (BCDSS): Subjugation by Labelling: Semantics of Slavery and Coercion in the Eighteenth-Century Moravian Church
Monica Ginés-Blasi (Open University of Catalonia/BCDSS): Providing ʻCooliesʼ to Deli: German Transportation of Chinese Labour Migrants to Dutch Colonial Plantations (1866–1910)
12:45 pm. Lunch
01:45 pm. Panel V: Narratives of Slavery and Dependencies, Chair: Marion Gymnich
Dominique Haensell (Independent Scholar, Berlin): ʻWie sie gerade Lust hattenʼ – Plantation Memories, Idleness and Insurrection
Mary Aderonke Afolabi-Adeolu (BCDSS): Reclaiming the Muted Voices in German Colonial East Africa through Historical Fiction: An Examination of Asymmetrical Dependency between the German Colonial Army and ʻAskariʼ in Abdulrazak Gurnahʼs ʻAfterlivesʼ
Rita Maricocchi (WWU Münster): Colonial Entanglements in Abdulrazak Gurnahʼs Fiction: Establishing Frameworks for German Postcolonial Studies in ʻAfterlivesʼ
03:00 pm. Coffee Break
03:30 pm. Panel VI: The “German” Pacific, Chair: Pia Wiegmink
Deirdre Coleman (University of Melbourne): ʻTreasure Island is not in the Pacificʼ: Robert Louis Stevenson, Samoa, and the Pacificʼs ʻLabour Trafficʼ
Emma Thomas (UNSW): From Beaches to Plantations: The Recruitment of New Guinean Laborers under German Colonial Rule
Emma Christopher (UNSW/BCDSS): ʻKidnapping Cannibalsʼ: The Scandal Over Recruitment and the British/German Division of New Guinea