Bill Niven, Professor Emeritus, Dept of History and Heritage, Nottingham Trent University
21 June 2022
10.30am Welcome
10.45am Introduction to the Colloquium
11.00am Session 1
Tanja Schult (Stockholm University), The Legacy of the ‘Counter-Monument’
Justyna Balisz-Schmelz (University of Warsaw), Creation versus Transformation. Countermonument as an Artistic Endeavour and Bottom-up Initiative
Hella Wiedmer-Newman (Zurich), Smirna Kulenović's Eco-Mnemonic Art: Toward a Sustainable Memorial Practice
12.45pm Lunch
01.30pm Session 2
Melanie Hussinger (University of the Bundeswehr, Hamburg), The Last Address (Poslednij Adres) in Russia as a (Decentralised) Countermonument
Anastasia V. Mitrofanova (Russian Academy of Sciences, FNISTs, Perm) and Svetlana V. Riazanova (Russian Academy of Sciences, PFITs, Perm), Art Festival as a Countermonument: the Case of ‘Pilorama’ (Sawmill)
02.30pm Session 3
Paul Leworthy (Goethe University, Frankfurt), From ‘Counter-Monuments’ to ‘Counter-Museum-Exhibitions’: On the Influence of the ‘Counter-Monument’ and the Usefulness of the Concept outwith Memorial Culture
Ilya Sulzhytski (University of Greifswald), Counter-memorials vs Counter-memorial Experience: Tripadvisor Reviews on the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin
03.30pm Tea break
04.00pm Session 4
Elias Mendel (Artist, London), Threads, Angels and Memory: a Discussion and Demonstration of Creative Interventions in a Family Archive
Gail Ritchie (Queen’s University, Belfast) The (Im)material Monument
05.00pm Session 5
Claire Ross (University of Reading), Yadé Kara’s Literary Counter-monumentalism
Cian Pappenheim (University of Glasgow), Redt tsu zey vi tsu a lebediker: A Literary Case for Jewish Memorial Books as Early Examples of Counter-Monuments
Katya Krylova (University of Aberdeen), The Reception of Countermonuments in Contemporary Austrian Literature: Robert Schindel’s Der Kalte (2013) and Hanna Sukare’s Schwedenreiter (2018)
22 June 2022
10.00am Session 6
Caterina Preda (University of Bucharest), ‘Performative Monuments Events’ as Counter-Monuments in Post-Socialist South-Eastern Europe
Kata Bohus (University of Tromso), Only Heroes and Victims? Memory and Countermemory of WWII in Central Europe Today
11.00am Session 7
Manuela Badilla (University of Valparaiso), Counter-Monumental Movement in Constituent Chile: An Ephemeral, Creative and Joyful Negotiation of the Difficult National Past
Emanuela Buscemi (University of Monterrey), The Antimonumenta ‘Vivas Nos Queremos’: Social Movements and Countermemories in Mexico City
12.00noon Lunch
01.00pm Session 8
Jenny Woodley (Nottingham Trent University), The Countermonument as a Space for Mourning: The National Memorial for Peace and Justice
Ramze Endut (National University of Malaysia), Place as a Countermonument: The Case for the Penan Community in Malaysia
Sena Kaplan (Middle East Technical University), Enforced Disappearances Database as a Virtual Counter Monument
02.45pm Session 9
Tafadzwa Gwini (University of Zimbabwe), Countermonuments as Alternative to Removal with Specific Reference to David Livingston’s Statue at Mosi-oa-Tunya and Rhodes’ Grave at Njelele Shrine in Zimbabwe.
Ayesha Perveen (Virtual University of Pakistan), From Colonial Monuments to Postcolonial Countermonuments: Sculptures in Lahore
Annie Webster (University of London), Military and Monumental Encounters: Images of Fallen Statues in post-2003 Baghdad
04.30pm Tea Break
05.00pm Concluding open discussion