(Re)thinking Countermonuments: The Evolution of "Memory against itself"

(Re)thinking Countermonuments: The Evolution of "Memory against itself"

Leeds University (Professor Frank Finlay, Professor Bill Niven)
Professor Frank Finlay, Professor Bill Niven
School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, University of Leeds
United Kingdom
Vom - Bis
21.06.2022 - 22.06.2022
Bill Niven, Professor Emeritus, Dept of History and Heritage, Nottingham Trent University

Online Colloquium at the University of Leeds, 21 to 22 June 2022, focusing on the development of countermonuments. The colloquium will be conducted via Zoom.

(Re)thinking Countermonuments: The Evolution of "Memory against itself"

This online conference arises from the awareness that there is a need to map out, further theorise and categorise the forms, aesthetics, functions and effects of countermonuments in a global context. What counts as a countermonument? Is this an elastic term, or should it be more restrictively applied?


21 June 2022

10.30am Welcome

10.45am Introduction to the Colloquium

11.00am Session 1

Tanja Schult (Stockholm University), The Legacy of the ‘Counter-Monument’

Justyna Balisz-Schmelz (University of Warsaw), Creation versus Transformation. Countermonument as an Artistic Endeavour and Bottom-up Initiative

Hella Wiedmer-Newman (Zurich), Smirna Kulenović's Eco-Mnemonic Art: Toward a Sustainable Memorial Practice

12.45pm Lunch

01.30pm Session 2

Melanie Hussinger (University of the Bundeswehr, Hamburg), The Last Address (Poslednij Adres) in Russia as a (Decentralised) Countermonument

Anastasia V. Mitrofanova (Russian Academy of Sciences, FNISTs, Perm) and Svetlana V. Riazanova (Russian Academy of Sciences, PFITs, Perm), Art Festival as a Countermonument: the Case of ‘Pilorama’ (Sawmill)

02.30pm Session 3

Paul Leworthy (Goethe University, Frankfurt), From ‘Counter-Monuments’ to ‘Counter-Museum-Exhibitions’: On the Influence of the ‘Counter-Monument’ and the Usefulness of the Concept outwith Memorial Culture

Ilya Sulzhytski (University of Greifswald), Counter-memorials vs Counter-memorial Experience: Tripadvisor Reviews on the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin

03.30pm Tea break

04.00pm Session 4

Elias Mendel (Artist, London), Threads, Angels and Memory: a Discussion and Demonstration of Creative Interventions in a Family Archive

Gail Ritchie (Queen’s University, Belfast) The (Im)material Monument

05.00pm Session 5

Claire Ross (University of Reading), Yadé Kara’s Literary Counter-monumentalism

Cian Pappenheim (University of Glasgow), Redt tsu zey vi tsu a lebediker: A Literary Case for Jewish Memorial Books as Early Examples of Counter-Monuments

Katya Krylova (University of Aberdeen), The Reception of Countermonuments in Contemporary Austrian Literature: Robert Schindel’s Der Kalte (2013) and Hanna Sukare’s Schwedenreiter (2018)

22 June 2022

10.00am Session 6

Caterina Preda (University of Bucharest), ‘Performative Monuments Events’ as Counter-Monuments in Post-Socialist South-Eastern Europe

Kata Bohus (University of Tromso), Only Heroes and Victims? Memory and Countermemory of WWII in Central Europe Today

11.00am Session 7

Manuela Badilla (University of Valparaiso), Counter-Monumental Movement in Constituent Chile: An Ephemeral, Creative and Joyful Negotiation of the Difficult National Past
Emanuela Buscemi (University of Monterrey), The Antimonumenta ‘Vivas Nos Queremos’: Social Movements and Countermemories in Mexico City

12.00noon Lunch

01.00pm Session 8

Jenny Woodley (Nottingham Trent University), The Countermonument as a Space for Mourning: The National Memorial for Peace and Justice

Ramze Endut (National University of Malaysia), Place as a Countermonument: The Case for the Penan Community in Malaysia

Sena Kaplan (Middle East Technical University), Enforced Disappearances Database as a Virtual Counter Monument

02.45pm Session 9

Tafadzwa Gwini (University of Zimbabwe), Countermonuments as Alternative to Removal with Specific Reference to David Livingston’s Statue at Mosi-oa-Tunya and Rhodes’ Grave at Njelele Shrine in Zimbabwe.

Ayesha Perveen (Virtual University of Pakistan), From Colonial Monuments to Postcolonial Countermonuments: Sculptures in Lahore

Annie Webster (University of London), Military and Monumental Encounters: Images of Fallen Statues in post-2003 Baghdad

04.30pm Tea Break

05.00pm Concluding open discussion


E-Mail: william.niven@ntu.ac.uk
E-Mail: gllff@leeds.ac.uk

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