History of Insurance in a Global Perspective: An International Conference

History of Insurance in a Global Perspective: An International Conference

Universität Basel, Departement Geschichte (Prof. Dr. Martin Lengwiler)
Prof. Dr. Martin Lengwiler
Neubau Biozentrum der Universität Basel
Gefördert durch
SNF, FAG, Zurich Versicherungen
Findet statt
Vom - Bis
20.07.2022 - 22.07.2022
Martin Lengwiler, Department Geschichte, Universität Basel

History of Insurance in a Global Perspective: An International Conference

Die Konferenz präsentiert ein vielschichtiges Bild der Versicherungsgeschichte in globaler Perspektive. Das Spektrum umfasst verschiedene Epochen, Regionen und Versicherungszweige: von der spätmittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Seeversicherung und deren Einbindung in globale Sklavenmärkte über die Verbreitung von Lebens- und Sachversicherungen in der westlichen Hemisphäre im 19. Jahrhundert bis hin zum Aufstieg nicht-westlicher Märkte und Unternehmen in (post-)kolonialen Kontexten.

History of Insurance in a Global Perspective: An International Conference

This international conference investigates insurance as a crucial element of the globaliza­tion of finance and of capitalism in general. Since the early modern period, geographical diffusion of insurance is closely linked to processes of globalization and de-globalization.

History of Insurance in a Global Perspective: An International Conference

Vom 20. bis 22. Juli 2022 findet am Departement Geschichte der Universität Basel eine internationale Konferenz zur Versicherungsgeschichte in globaler Perspektive statt.

Die Konferenz präsentiert ein vielschichtiges Bild der Versicherungsgeschichte in globaler Perspektive. Das Spektrum umfasst verschiedene Epochen, Regionen und Versicherungszweige: von der spätmittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Seeversicherung und deren Einbindung in globale Sklavenmärkte über die Verbreitung von Lebens- und Sachversicherungen in der westlichen Hemisphäre im 19. Jahrhundert bis hin zum Aufstieg nicht-westlicher Märkte und Unternehmen in (post-)kolonialen Kontexten seit dem späten 19. Jahrhundert. Insgesamt präsentieren die Beiträge zu dieser Konferenz das Versicherungswesen als ein wirkungsmächtiges Element der Globalisierung des Finanzwesens und des modernen Kapitalismus. In den Sektionen der Konferenz werden globale Makroperspektiven kombiniert mit lokalen und mikrohistorischen Einsichten.

Besondere Berücksichtigung erhalten außereuropäische Themen und Perspektiven, insbesondere die Ausbreitung des Versicherungswesens in Indien, Ostasien, Lateinamerika oder Afrika. Andere Sektionen beschäftigen sich mit vergleichenden Aspekten der ost- und westeuropäischen Versicherungsgeschichte. Alle Beiträge zeichnen sich durch eine internationale Perspektive aus oder kontrastieren verschiedene geografische Versicherungskontexte. Die Konferenz ist interdisziplinär ausgerichtet und bringt Forschende aus den Bereichen der Wirtschafts-, Konsum-, Rechts- und Globalgeschichte sowie der Internationalen Studien zusammen.

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung unter https://history-of-insurance.dg.unibas.ch/en/.

History of Insurance in a Global Perspective: An International Conference

The conference presents a broad picture of the multi-dimensional history of international insurance. This covers different periods, regions and branches of insurance: from late-medieval and early modern maritime insurance over the diffusion of life and non-life insurance in the Western hemisphere during the 19th century to the rise of non-Western markets and corporations in colonial and post-colonial contexts. This global lens invites the combination of the wide global perspective with local, micro-historical perspectives.

Relevant topics include, for example, the diffusion of marine insurance in 19th century East Asia, as part of the merchant communities, of fire and life insurance in the settler communi­ties of post-independence states of Latin America, or of car insurance in 20th century post-colonial Africa. Sessions and papers are invited to take either a comparative view, contras­ting different geographical contexts, or a generalizing, international perspective, investiga­ting for example the internationalization and globalization of insurance or international net­works and organizations related to insurance (congresses, societies, cartels etc.). They can investigate the business context, including competing forms of risk prevention and financial precaution in non-Western regions, the rise of local, non-Western insurance in­dustries, and the interaction between local and international companies in insurance. The conference theme also includes the areas of consumption, such as the social and ethnic patterns of insurance markets, and the changing perceptions of risk in different geographic and cultural contexts.

The conference will be held as a three-day event, on 20–22 July 2022, at the University of Basel, Switzerland. Scholars are particularly invited to cross traditional academic bounda­ries by offering insights on geographical entanglements or trans-epochal developments. The conference follows an interdisciplinary format, bringing together scholars from various disciplines interested in the history of insurance in global perspectives, notably from Business History, International Business Studies, Global History, Consumer History, the History of Law, and Historical Sociology.


20 July 2022, Day 1
Venue: Neubau Biozentrum, University of Basel, Spitalstrasse 41, Basel

11.30–13.00h (Lobby): Registration

13.00–14.15h (Auditorium): Opening Session
Opening message by Andrea Schenker-Wicki (Rector, University of Basel)
Opening address by Martin Lengwiler (University of Basel)
Keynote lecture: “Who do you trust? Trust and insurance through the history of Africa” by Grietije Verhoef (University of Johannesburg)

14.30–16.30h (Room U1, 197): Comparing Risk Management Strategies in the Mediterranean and East Asian Maritime Business (Double Session, Part 1)
Chair: Giovanni Ceccarelli

14.30–16.30h (Room U1, 19): Developments of Insurance Market in Emerging European Economies
Chair: Monika Wieczorek-Kosmala and Marijana Curak

14.30–16.30h (Room U1, 195): The Rise of Actuaries in 19th century Europe and in Global Perspective
Chair: Geoffroy Legentilhomme and Christofer Stadlin

16.30–17.00h (Lobby): Coffee Break

17.00–19.00h (Room U1, 197): Comparing Risk Management Strategies in the Mediterranean and East Asian Maritime Business (Double Session, Part 2)
Chair: Giovanni Ceccarelli

17.00–19.00h (Room U1, 191): The Many Meanings of Mutuality in Insurance History
Chair: Phillip Hellwege

Starting at 19.00h (Lobby): Reception

21 July 2022, Day 2
Venue: Neubau Biozentrum, University of Basel, Spitalstrasse 41, Basel

09.00–10.00h (Auditorium): Opening Session
Keynote lecture: “Shaping the Future of Insurance Through the Eyes of History” by W. Jean J. Kwon (St. John`s University)

10.15–12.15h (Room U1, 191): Post-Demutualisation Insurance: Efficiency or Corporate Profitability?
Chair: Antti Talonen, Grietjie Verhoef, Monica Keneley

10.15–12.15h (Room U1, 195): Risky Business: Building an Integrated Insurance Pricing Database
Chair: Giovanni Ceccarelli, Sabine Go, Antonio Iodice

10.15–12.15h (Room U1, 197): History of Insurance Markets in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe the First Decades of the 21st Century (Double Session, Part 1)
Chair: Jacek Lisowski, Piotr Manikowski and Adam Sliwinski

12.15–13.45h (Restaurant Bacells’): Lunch Break

13.45–15.45h (Room U1, 191): The Health Insurance Business: From Marginality to the Fastest Growing Sector in the First Decades of the 21st Century
Chair: Jerònia Pons-Pons and Margarita Vilar-Rodríguez

13.45–15.45h (Room U1, 195): The Price of Risk in History
Chair: André Straus and Leonardo Caruana

13.45–15.45h (Room U1, 197): History of Insurance Markets in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe the First Decades of the 21st Century (Double Session, Part 2)
Chair: Jacek Lisowski, Piotr Manikowski and Adam Sliwinski

15.45–16.15h (Lobby): Coffee Break

16:15–18.15h (Room U1, 191): Private and Public Insurance and Protection against Social Contingencies
Chair: Bernard Harris, Liselotte Eriksson, Lars-Fredrik Andersson

16:15–18.15 (Room U1, 197): Global and Long-Term Perspectives in the History of Insurance
Chair: Philip Hellwege

16:15–18.15h (Room U1, 195): History of Insurance in Russian Markets
Chair: Martin Lengwiler

Starting at 18:45h (Restaurant “Zum Isaak”): Reception and Gala Dinner

22 July 2022, Day 3
Venue: Neubau Biozentrum, University of Basel, Spitalstrasse 41, Basel

09.00–11.00h (Room U1, 197): Going Global? Marine Insurance and the Limits of Early Modern Globalization (Double Session, Part 1)
Chair: Antonio Iodice, Mallory Hope and Lewis Wade

09.00–11.00h (Room U1, 195): Natural Disasters and Risk Management from a Global North-South Perspective
Chair: Natalie Rauscher and Welf Werner

09.00–11.00h (Room U1, 191): Beyond the State. Insurance in Habsburg Central Europe from a Global Perspective
Chair: Matyas Erdelyi, Thomas Rohringer and Vojtech Pojar

11.00–11.30h (Lobby): Sandwichlunch

11.30–13.30h (Room U1, 197): Going Global? Marine Insurance and the Limits of Early Modern Globalization (Double Session, Part 2)
Chair: Antonio Iodice, Mallory Hope and Lewis Wade

11.30–13.30h (Room U1, 195): Legal Perspectives in the History of Insurance
Chair: Philip Hellwege

11.30–13.30h (Room U1, 191): Insurance in non-Western Contexts: Comparing Business Strategies in Different World Regions (19th/20th centuries)
Chair: Martin Lengwiler and Robin Pearson

13.30–14.15h (Auditorium): Award Ceremony (Best Paper Award; Best Junior Paper Award) and Closing Remarks

Starting at 14.15h (Lobby): Reception


E-Mail: globalinsurance@unibas.ch

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