Race and Ethnicity in Africa and Europe

Race and Ethnicity in Africa and Europe

Center for Maghrib Studies at Arizona State University and the Political Academy in Tutzing, Germany
Political Academy in Tutzing, Germany
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30.09.2022 - 01.10.2022
Michael Mayer, Leiter Arbeitsbereich Zeitgeschichte, Politische Akademie Tutzing

Did racism simply travel from Europe to Africa? Recent research shows a more complex development. The racial hegemony of "whiteness" in Africa preceded the Western conceptualization of race and racism. Even so, there are several parallels between Africa and Europe. Our conference aims at analyzing precolonial, colonial and postcolonial discourses and concepts of race and "whiteness" in Africa and Europe.

Race and Ethnicity in Africa and Europe

Race and racism are deeply complex notions in Africa and Europe historically and contemporarily, as they are in other parts of the world. For a long time, scholars have insisted that notions of racism have been exported from Europe to Africa. Yet, recent research shows a more complex development. The racial hegemony of “whiteness” and the dispossession of minorities in Africa not only preceded the Western conceptualization of race and racism but also emerged before these analytic discourses came to exist in Western Europe. Even so, there are several parallels between Africa and Europe in the themes and arguments pertaining to the nature of being racially marginalized or victimized by racism. Our conference aims at debating similarities and differences of racial concepts in Africa and Europe. Furthermore, it analyzes the history of transfer and interconnection between the two regions. As a result, we hope for new insights in the development of the concepts of race and racism.


Friday, September 30, 2022

02.00pm Arrival, Coffee and Tea

03.00pm Welcome Address
Michael Mayer (Akademie für Politische Bildung)
Chouki El Hamel (Center for Maghrib Studies at Arizona State University)

Section 1: Race and Slavery in Precolonial Islamic Africa

Eunuchs, Sexual Anxiety, and the Making of Racial Difference in the Late Medieval Islamicate World
Mathilde Montpetit (New York University)

War and Slavery in Dar al-Islam: The Racialization of Otherness in Early Modern Muslim Africa
Samia Errazzouki (University of California, Davis)

Resisting Racial Slavery at Home and Abroad: Ethnic State and Healing Community as Political and Religious Strategies
Ousmane Traoré (Pomona College, Claremont)

04.30pm Break

On Racial Capitalism in Mauritania
Hassan Ould Moctar (University of London)

Compensations for Slavery in the French Empire
Myriam Cottias (National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris)

Traces of Racism on the French Public Space: The Example of the District “a négresse of Biarritz” in the Basque Country
Karfa Diallo (Fondateur-Directeur de Mémoires & Partages, Bordeaux)

06.30pm Dinner

Saturday, October 1, 2022

08.15am Breakfast

Section 2: Blackness, Otherness and Jewishness in Africa and Europe

Berbers, Blacks, Jews: The Racialization of Indigeneity in Amazigh Politics
Paul A. Silverstein (Reed College, Portland)

African, Jewish, and Black: Racial Politics and the Jewish Civilizing Mission
Rachel Smith (University of California, Los Angeles)

Whites? Jews, Albinos and Others: Racial Categorization, Classification and Inbetweenness. A Legal Inquiry
Eszter Kovács Szitkay / Andras L. Pap (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest)

Framing Islam as Race in the Netherlands
Sam Cherribi (Emory University, Atlanta)

10.30am Break

Section 3: Blackness and Colonialism

The Origins of Racism in the Histories of the Iberian Peninsula and Colonial Latin America (15th–19th centuries)
Christine Hatzky (Leibniz Universität Hannover)

“African Backwardness in Spain”: Catalan Racialisation of Spain
Tobias J. Klee M.A. (Freie Universität Berlin)

A Twenty-First-Century Right to Correct Nineteenth-Century Wrongs: Concepts of Race, French Racism, and the Advenuresome Life of Alexandre Dumas
Tracy Denean Sharpley-Whiting (Vanderbilt University, Nashville)

Imagining the [Black] Arabs of Tarıkh al-Su dan
Bayan Abubakr (Yale University, New Haven)

12.30pm Lunch

Section 4: Race and Ethnicity in 19th and 20th Century

Black Internationalism and Race
Rashad Shabazz (Arizona State University, Tempe)

Les H’rar (libres) et les Chawachines (noirs) dans la région de Kébili, le fardeau de l’esclavage et le déni de métissage
Maha Abdelhamid (Le Centre arabe de recherches et d’études politiques de Paris, CAREP)

“It Was Not Black Man that Made Law, but White Man”: Racial Constructs in Mid-Nineteenth Century Freetown
Megane Coulon (Colby College, Waterville, ME)

Black and White of Late Ottoman Imperialists
Mostafa Minawi (Cornell University, Ithaca, NY)

The United Arab Republic and the Categorization of Arabs and Africans in Africa
Amal Ghazal (Doha Institute, Doha, Qatar)

04.00pm Coffee Break

04.30pm The Racialization of Civic Nationalism in Twentieth-Century Africa
Jonathon Glassman (Northwestern University, Evanston, IL)

What Race Has to Do with It: Skin Bleaching in Khartoum
Rogaia Mustafa Abusharaf (Georgetown University, Doha, Quatar) / Salah M. Hassan (Cornell University, Ithaca, NY)

The Historical Production of Racialisation in the Context of Algeria
Kheira Arrouche (The University of Leeds)

Race and Ethnicity in Algerian Students’ Organization UGEMA
Elizabeth Bishop (Texas State University, San Marcos)

Understanding Gendered Racialization in Tunisia: Comparative Spatialities
Yasmine Akrimi (University of Ghent)

06.00pm Concluding Remarks

06.30pm Dinner, End of Conference


Iryna Bielefeld
E-Mail: i.bielefeld@apb-tutzing.de
