The impact of war experiences in Europe – The conscription of non-German men and women into the Wehrmacht and Reichsarbeitsdienst (1938-1945)

The impact of war experiences in Europe – The conscription of non-German men and women into the Wehrmacht and Reichsarbeitsdienst (1938-1945)

Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) / University of Luxembourg,
Gefördert durch
Fond National de la Recherche
Findet statt
Vom - Bis
26.10.2022 - 28.10.2022
Nina Janz, Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH), Université du Luxembourg

International Conference (Project Warlux) at the University of Luxembourg takes place from 26-28 October 2022 in Belval/Luxembourg and online

The impact of war experiences in Europe – The conscription of non-German men and women into the Wehrmacht and Reichsarbeitsdienst (1938-1945)

In connection with the WARLUX research project, launched in 2020 at the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) / University of Luxembourg, we are pleased to invite you to our international conference on 26-28 October 2022. The conference will focus on the impact of war experiences of non-German nationals serving in the Nazi German armed forces and labour organisations.
Keynote speakers:
Prof. Dr. Jörg Echternkamp, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg / Zentrum für Militärgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Bundeswehr (ZMSBw), Germany
and Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Vlossak, Brock University, Canada


Wednesday, 26 October

17.30 Arrival & Registration

18.00 Welcome by Denis Scuto

18.15 Keynote “Historicizing Experiences of War: Profits and Pitfalls of Narratological Approaches”
Jörg Echternkamp, Zentrum für Militärgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Bundeswehr (ZMSBw) / Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

19.30 End of Day 1

Thursday, 27 October

09.00 Registration

09.15 PANEL 1 - Mechanisms of recruitment and military service
Moderator: Peter M. Quadflieg
Naturalisation and Military Service during the Second World War
Denis Scuto, C²DH, University of Luxembourg

Being a Soldier – Between individual and soldierly experientality of Luxembourgish recruits in WWII
Nina Janz, C²DH, University of Luxembourg

Fighting for the enemy: recruitment of Slovenians for the Waffen-SS during the Second World War
Klemen Kocjancic, Defence Research Centre of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana

11.15 Coffee break

11.45 PANEL 2 - Shifting allegiances
Moderator: Christoph Brüll

Identity change as a survival strategy: Forcibly mobilized Wehrmacht soldiers applying for the Allied armies-in-exile
Zdenko Maršálek, Institute of Contemporary History/Czech Academy of Sciences

From ‘forced conscription’ to compulsory military service: Luxembourg’s ‘forced conscripts’ and the question of post-war military service
Felix Streicher, Department of History, Maastricht University
Nina Janz, C²DH, University of Luxembourg

Friends and/or Enemies? Conflicting Loyalties among Soldiers Fighting Both in the German Army and the Allied Forces
Machteld Venken, C²DH, University of Luxembourg

13.15 Lunch break

14.30 PANEL 3 - War experiences from below
Moderator: Sonja Kmec

Adaptive Stances of East Belgians in the Wehrmacht and Reichsarbeitsdienst (1940-1945). Insights Through Ego Documents
Philippe Beck, Zentrum für Ostbelgische Geschichte & UCLouvain

Forcibly Mobilised Slovene Soldiers in Wehrmacht – Diaries' Analysis of their War Experiences
Monika Kokalj Kočevar, National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia

15.30 Coffee break

15.45 Paper and ink in the Soviet camp 188 in Tambov: capturing the camp life of Luxembourger conscripts
Inna Ganschow, C²DH, University of Luxembourg

Navigating War and Identity: Malgré-nous Marc(z)ell Wolfersberger in the German Army, 1942-1944
David W. Wildermuth, Shippensburg State University

18.30 Keynote “'Forced conscripts' in history and memory”
Elizabeth Vlossak, Brock University

20.00 Dinner for the participants

Friday, 28 October

09.30 PANEL 4 - Draft evasion, desertion, imprisonment and their consequences
Moderator: Jean-Noel Grandhomme

Family liability and Umsiedlung – Consequences of desertion on families of Luxembourgish recruits (1942-1945)
Sarah Maya Vercruysse, C²DH, University of Luxembourg

Beihilfe zur Fahnenflucht in der Rechtsprechung der deutschen Sondergerichten auf den besetzten Gebieten Polens (1939-1945)
Konrad Graczyk, University of Silesia in Katowice & Institute of National Remembrance in Warsaw

10.30 Coffee break

10.45 La captivité des Malgré-Nous alsaciens & mosellans chez les Alliés anglo-saxons
Philippe Gény, l’École Doctorale de l’Université Bordeaux Montaigne

Alsatian Draft Evaders in Switzerland (1942-1945)
Tobias Kossytor, European University Institute

11.45 Closing discussion

12.15 Lunch


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