Tobias Rupprecht, Exzellenzcluster 'Contestations of the Liberal Script', Freie Universität Berlin
Thursday, 6th October, Humboldt Forum, HUB X, 1st floor
10:00 – Welcome speech, Tobias Rupprecht, FU Berlin
10:15 – Session 1: Soviet Union
Olessia Kirtchik
From Collective to Private Farm. Economic Experts and Power during Perestroika
Adam Leeds, Columbia University
Yegor Gaidar's Early Thought. The Perfection of the Economic Mechanism and Reform Thinking Before Transition
Tobias Rupprecht, FU Berlin
A Failed Precursor of Russian Peripheral Liberalism. Why Gorbachev’s ‘Chinese Path’ Was Doomed
Comments: Juliane Fürst, ZZF Potsdam
12:00 – Session 2: Soviet Union-Russia
Ivan Boldyrev, Radboud University
An Invisible Trailblazer. Leonid Kantorovich and his International Liaisons
Fritz Bartel, The Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M
The IMF’s First Visits to Post-Soviet Russia
Ilya Matveev
From ‘Economic Liberalism’ to ‘Technocracy’. The Trajectory of the Neoliberal Bloc in Russia
Comments: Tobias Rupprecht, FU Berlin
14:15 – Session 3: Former Soviet Union
Kevin Axe, FU Berlin
A Baltic Tiger Teaches Abroad. Estonian Exportation of Neoliberal Thought, 1985-2003
Juhan Saharov, University of Tartu
Horizontal Contractuality in Services and Agriculture in the Estonian SSR (1985-87)
Vladimer Papava, Tbilisi State University
On Liberal Economic Reforms in Post-Communist Georgia
Comments: Fredrik Stöcker, Universität Wien
16:00 – Session 4: Africa
Sa’eed Husaini, Center for Democracy and Development, Abuja
Party Manifestos and Economic Position-taking in Nigeria’s Four Republics
Alexander Peeples, Johns Hopkins University
Financiers and Liberal Bureaucrats of African Socialism
Comments: Jeremiah Arowosegbe, HU Berlin
17:00 – Session 5: Latin America
Maximilian Jara, FU Berlin
An Alternative Route of Chilean Neoliberalism. Pedro Ibáñez Ojeda and the Regional Meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society in Viña del Mar
José Antonio Galindo Dominguez, El Colegio de México
Founders of the Latin American Neoliberal Order. The Inter-American Council for Trade and Development as a Space of Contact and Formation of the Latin American Liberal Idea, 1945-1955
Comments: Álvaro Morcillo, FU Berlin
Friday, 7th October, Scripts Villa, Dahlem Dorf, Edwin-Redslob-Str. 29
10:00 – Session 1: China and Southeast Asia
Barry Naughton, University of California San Diego
How Thorough Was China's Commitment to Market Liberalism? How Much was Forsaken?
Wang Hui, Tsinghua University Beijing (via WebEx)
Chinese Neoliberalism
Tuong Vu, University of Oregon
& Pham Thi Hong Ha, Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences
Periphery in a Periphery. Liberal Economic Ideas and Vietnam’s Market
Comments: Felix Wemheuer, Universität zu Köln
11:45 – Session 2: China
Alice Trinkle, FU Berlin
Markets and Socialism. Chinese exchange with (post-)socialist Eastern Europe
Yating Zhang, FU Berlin
Speculation, Exploitation or Capitalism? Disputes on the Private Sector and the Legalization of the Private Sector in the 1980s
Federico Pacchetti, Corvinus University
Tailored. The Political Economy of the World Bank’s Assistance to China’s Economic Reforms, 1980-1992
Comments: Genia Kostka, FU Berlin
14:45 – Session 3: Central and Eastern Europe
Cornel Ban, Copenhagen Business School (via WebEx)
Are there Neoliberals in the Trenches? Policy Orthodoxy and Nationalism from the Great Recession to the Great Volatility in Hungary and Romania
Péter Vámos, Institute of History at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (via WebEx)
Do Hungarian Economists ‘Share Blame’ for China’s ‘Monstrous Turn’? The Influence of Hungarian Economic Reform Theories and Practices on China’s Market Reforms in the 1980s
Ia Eradze, Ilia State University (via WebEx)
Making of the Central Bank of Georgia in the 1990s. Tracing the Roots of Neoliberalism in a Transition State
Comments: Aron Buzogany, BOKU Wien
16:30 – Session 4: Central and Eastern Europe
Luboš Studený, Institute of Social and Economic History, Charles University
Towards a ‘Real Functioning Market’. Czechoslovakia between Socialism and Capitalism
Benedek Pál, Central European University, Vienna
Between Crisis and Reform. Critical Discourses on the Future of State Socialism in Hungary, 1980-87
Venelin Ganev, University of Miami
Neoliberalism or Post-Communism? The Transformation of Eastern Europe in the 1990s
Comments: Sebastian Hoppe, FU Berlin