A Prehistory of the Global Present: Processes – Actors – Practices – Ideas

A Prehistory of the Global Present: Processes – Actors – Practices – Ideas

Martin Deuerlein (Tübingen); Andreas Plöger (Bonn); Johannes Großmann (Tübingen)
Fürstenzimmer, Schloss Hohentübingen
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06.10.2022 - 07.10.2022
Martin Deuerlein, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Seminar für Zeitgeschichte

The workshop will trace formative developments, but also the interaction of processes and ideas which have shaped our global present since the last third of the 20th century. Its aim is to write a more complex and self-reflective prehistory of current affairs that does not construct linear success stories and decenters the analytical dominance of the North Atlantic region.

A Prehistory of the Global Present: Processes – Actors – Practices – Ideas

Since the 1990s, many observers have regarded the profound interdependence of economies and societies as a central characteristic of our global present. We are supposedly living in a new “age of globalization” after the end of the Cold War. While “globalization” initially appeared as an almost irresistible economic process, scholars have now come to believe, that it alternates with phases of disentanglement, is driven by actors and shaped by political decisions.

The workshop will shed light on the prehistory of our global present since the last third of the 20th century. It will trace formative developments, but also the interaction of processes and ideas which have shaped our present. The goal is to write a more complex and self-reflective prehistory of current affairs that does not construct linear success stories, decenters the analytical dominance of the North Atlantic region and takes the roles of Asian, African, and Latin American protagonists in and for globalization into account.

Keynote addresses will be given by Glenda Sluga (EUI Florence) and James Mark (University of Exeter).

To attend, please contact Martin Deuerlein (martin.deuerlein@uni-tuebingen.de).


Thursday, 06 October 2022

14.00–14.30h Welcome & Introduction: How to Write a “Prehistory of the Present”?

14.30–16.00h PANEL I: Migration & Borders

- Erzsébet Árvay (Corvinus University of Budapest): The Actors of Globality: Émigrés and their Governance in the Cold War
- Mokua Ombati (Moi University, Kenya): Challenging State Sovereignty? The Forces of Globalization in Kenya’s ‘Border-Wall’ Policy

16.30–18.00h PANEL II: Networks & Transfers

- Vincent August (Soziologie, FU Berlin): The Rise of Network Thinking
- Alison Downham Moore (Western Sydney University) Global Medical History of the Present

18.30–19.30h KEYNOTE I

Prof. Glenda Sluga (EUI Florence): International Economic Thought in the 20th Century

Conference Dinner und Get-Together

Friday, 07 October 2022

08.30–10.00h PANEL III: Global Concepts & Concepts of the Global

- Theodore Christov (George Washington University): The Globality of Self-Determination
- Alexander C. T. Geppert (New York University/NYU Shanghai): Planetizing Earth, ca. 1946

10.15–11.15h KEYNOTE II

James Mark (University of Exeter): The Rise and Fall of Socialist Globalization: A View from the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe

11.30–13.00h PANEL IV: Resistance & Alternatives

- Moritz Kreienbaum (University of Rostock): The Road not Taken. The New International Economic Order as a Third World Plan for an Alternative Globalization
- Carolina Tytelman (Memorial University of Newfoundland): The Globalization of Others: Innu People Resisting Global Processes

Lunch Break

14.15–15.45h PANEL V: International Institutions & Global Governance

- Johanna Sackel (University of Paderborn): Environmental Politics of the Oceans
- Jan Niklas Huhn (University of Siegen): How Colonial Experiences Shape the Workings of Contemporary Regional Organisations

15.45–16.15h Concluding Discussion


E-Mail: martin.deuerlein@uni-tuebingen