10th Junior Workshop of the German Association for British Studies (AGF)

10th Junior Workshop of the German Association for British Studies (AGF)

German Association for British Studies (AGF) / Arbeitskreis Großbritannien-Forschung
Centre for British Studies, Berlin
Findet statt
In Präsenz
Vom - Bis
17.05.2023 - 18.05.2023
Lea Levenhagen, Universität Bayreuth Jonas Breßler, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

The tenth Junior Workshop of the Arbeitskreis Großbritannien-Forschung (AGF) will take place in Berlin on 17 and 18 May 2023. The event gives advanced Master's students, PhD students and post-docs working on the UK, Commonwealth or British Empire the opportunity to present and discuss their projects.

10th Junior Workshop of the German Association for British Studies (AGF)

In times of fundamental geopolitical reorientation of the United Kingdom, UK Studies faces the particular challenge of critically questioning simple truths of political discourse and penetrating the complexity of past and present events and actions.

Therefore, the tradition of the Junior Workshop will be continued at the annual symposium of the Arbeitskreis Großbritannien-Forschung (AGF). The AGF's tenth Junior Workshop will take place on 17 and 18 May 2023. The event gives advanced Master's students, PhD students and post-docs working on the United Kingdom, Commonwealth or British Empire the opportunity to present their projects and discuss them with other experts. Problem-oriented presentations from research practice in all periods and disciplines are welcome. Membership of the AGF is not required. All participants of the workshop are cordially invited to attend the AGF conference that will take place after the Junior Workshop.

In order to ensure a productive exchange, participants are asked to submit a short abstract of their project (max. five pages) in case of acceptance, which will then be circulated and discussed. A subsidy for travel and accommodation may be granted.

For the application, we ask for an abstract of max. 500 words and a short academic CV in German or English to juniorworkshopagf23@gmail.com.

Deadline is 17 March 2023. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

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Sprach(en) der Veranstaltung
Englisch, Deutsch
Sprache der Ankündigung