Juliane Tomann, Institut für Geschichte, Public History, Universität Regensburg
Friday, October 28, 2022
14:00 Arrival
Immersion inside and outside of VR: digital and analogue practices
Chair: Steffi de Jong
Philipp Bojahr (Media Studies): Immersive views: Visual techniques of immediacy and remediation in the context of cultural education
Juliane Tomann (Public History): Embodying the past: Reenactment as immersive social practice
VR as a medium: What are the peculiarities of virtual historical reality?
Chair: Jörg Skribeleit
Rūta Kazlauskaitė (Memory Studies/Media Studies): "Memory Prosthesis: Virtual Reality as a Perspective- and Emotion-Training Device"
Silke Arnold-De Simine (Memory, Media and Cultural Studies): Distributed Remembering through Extended Reality Formats
Keynote: Wulf Kansteiner (History / Memory Studies): Immersion, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of Historiography
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Aesthetics: How is or should history be represented in VR?
Chair: Wulf Kansteiner
Nora Probst (Theater Studies): Affordances of interaction: VR and approaches of theater historiography
Steffi de Jong (History): Between Hyperrealism and “Bilderverbot”. The Aesthetics of Representing the Holocaust in VR
The user’s perspective: What impact does VR have?
Chair: Rūta Kazlauskaitė
Gary Mills (History Education): Opportunities and challenges of using VR in education settings. Perspectives from Teachers, educators and students.
Tabea Widmann (Game Studies): The Game is the Memory. Prosthetic Witnessing in digital games concerning the Holocaust
How can VR be used to advance historical research?
Chair: Gary Mills
Sebastian Hageneuer (Archeology): The role of VR in archeology
Sytse Wierenga (Eodyne Systems S.L.): A brief overview of VR in historical research practices
Wrap up session
Evening presentation (online event)
Tusia Dabrowska (Art & Media Studies)
My Imaginary Friends: On Grief in VR/AR