Weapons of a different kind: Propaganda and disinformation in wars and conflicts throughout Ukraine's modern history

Weapons of a different kind: Propaganda and disinformation in wars and conflicts throughout Ukraine's modern history

Deutsch-Ukrainische Historikerkommission; Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies; Ukrainian Catholic University Lviv; Abteilung für Geschichte Ost- und Südosteuropas der LMU München; scholarly journal "Ukraina Moderna"
Gefördert durch
Konrad Adenauer Foundation Kyiv, German Academic Exchange service (DAAD) with funds of the German Foreign Ministry
Findet statt
Vom - Bis
15.12.2022 - 15.12.2022
Georgiy Konovaltsev, Historisches Seminar, Abt. Geschichte Ost- und Südosteuropas, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Zoom-Webinar with Viktoriia Romaniuk, Dmytro Tytarenko and Serhy Yekelchyk, moderated by Kai Struve.

Weapons of a different kind: Propaganda and disinformation in wars and conflicts throughout Ukraine's modern history

The twelfth seminar of the series “Historians and the War: Rethinking the Future” will take place on December 15, Thursday, at 18:00-20:00 CET. The aim of the series is to discuss if and to what extent the war in Ukraine is changing our perception of the past and which new questions for historians it raises.

The seminar will be held in Ukrainian and English with simultaneous translation. The speakers will be:
- Viktoriia Romaniuk, Mohyla School of Journalism (Kyiv, Ukraine)
- Dmytro Tytarenko, Kryvyj Rih State Pedagogical University (Ukraine)
- Serhy Yekelchuk, University of Victoria (Canada)

The panel will be chaired by Kai Struve, Martin Luther University (Halle, Germany). At the end of the webinar the audience will have the possibility to ask questions.

In recent centuries, the informational component of any war has had a crucial impact on both the preparation and conduct of military operations, installation of occupying regimes, postwar “integration” of conquered lands, etc. This seminar plans to hold discussions of the role of informational and dissemination campaigns waged against Ukraine during the 20th century, including their main actors, as well as of the features of Russia’s current anti-Ukrainian propaganda and its role in the preparation and execution of the full-scale invasion.

To participate, please register here: https://lmu-munich.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ESyQzwA7TCikyoCrNjJeWg

A recording of the seminar will be published on the Youtube channel of the German-Ukrainian Historians’ Commission: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk2Bag_lfzHdH8jm_3n3skw

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Englisch, Ukrainian
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