The Same Event? Morphologies, Reflections, Disseminations

The Same Event? Morphologies, Reflections, Disseminations

IRTG "Baltic Peripeties. Narratives of Reformations, Revolutions and Catastrophes" (Greifswald - Tartu - Trondheim)
University of Tartu, Institute of Cultural Research, Ülikooli 16
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15.12.2022 - 17.12.2022
Anna Derksen, International Research Training Group "Baltic Peripeties. Narratives of Reformations, Revolutions and Catastrophes", University of Greifswald

15 – 17 December 2022
International Workshop
"The Same Event? Morphologies, Reflections, Disseminations"

Organisers: Hella Liira, Artis Ostups, Martina Zagni, Krista Anna Zalāne
Academic Advisor: Marina Grishakova

International Research Training Group (DFG) Baltic Peripeties. Narratives of Reformations, Revolutions and Catastrophes (Greifswald – Tartu – Trondheim)

The Same Event? Morphologies, Reflections, Disseminations

How to write (about) historical events? This interdisciplinary workshop, organised by the International Research Training Group “Baltic Peripeties. Narratives of Reformations, Revolutions and Catastrophes” (Greifswald – Tartu – Trondheim), explores conceptual and methodological approaches to the narration of historical events and their interpretation from historiographical, literary and regional perspectives: In narratology, ‘event’ is the central element in a plot that brings about change. Becoming manifest, identified and transmitted in different ways depending on various regimes of representation, disciplinary contexts, media and semiotic channels, the narrative construction of an event thus not only determines its respective features – factual, perceptual, affective, moral, ideological, etc.; it also lends the event a certain agency by influencing our perceptions of historical actors, actions and experiences. At the same time, multiple spatial perspectives reshape and diversify events across regions. In this respect, the Baltic Sea region with its multi-layered historical caesuras and turning points is a particularly promising area for investigating the complexity of historical events and ‘eventfulness’ – marked by past and acute challenges, it calls for new ways of writing a narratology of events.

Further information:


15 December 2022 – PhD Workshop Day: How to Write Narratives about Narratives?

09.00 – 09.15
Hella Liira (Tartu) & Krista Anna Zalāne (Greifswald)
Words of Welcome

09.15 – 10.00
Victoria Oertel (Greifswald): Diagnosing Events. Observations about ‘Event’ and ‘Disease’
Moderation: Krista Anna Zalāne (Greifswald)

Coffee Break

10.45 – 12.15
Douglas Ong (Greifswald): The City as Meeting Point: How Wroclawian Museums Reshape Urban History by Representing Alternating Stories of Expulsion
Natalia Iost (Greifswald): “Explaining Major Changes”. The Theoretical Framework for International Relations
Moderation: Nina Pilz (Greifswald)


13.30 – 14.30
Rezeda Lyykorpi (Greifswald): The Explosive Power of Hidden Peripeties – the Application of the Concept of Peripety and Memory of Königsberg in Kaliningrad
Moderation: Laura Tack (Greifswald)

Coffee Break

16 December 2022

09.00 – 09.30
Anti Selart (Tartu): Welcoming Address
Marina Grishakova (Tartu): Introductory Lecture

09.30 – 10.30
Roy Sommer (Wuppertal): The Politics of Event Modeling: Narrative Dynamics in Theory and Practice
Moderation: Martina Zagni (Greifswald)

Coffee Break

11.00 – 12.30
Mari Hatavara (Tampere): Polyphony and Hindsight in Narrating a Historical Event. The Collapse of the Soviet Union in Finnish Parliamentary Talk from 1980’s until Today
Eckhard Schumacher (Greifswald): Narrating the Fall of the Wall. Versions and Inversions of an Event in Contemporary German Literature
Moderation: Margit Bussmann (Greifswald)


14.00 – 15.30
Andreas Ohme (Greifswald): The Same Event? The Concept of Event in Literary History
Stephan Kessler (Greifswald): The Event and Semiosis – A Few Amazing Parallels
Moderation: Clemens Räthel (Greifswald)

Coffee Break

16.00 – 17.00
Maria Tamboukou (London): Tracing Events in Entanglements of Gender and Science: A Feminist Genealogical Perspective
Moderation: Hella Liira (Tartu)

Short Break

17.15 – 18.45
Roundtable "Transformative Events and the Limits of Narrative" Discussants: Marina Grishakova (Tartu), Kalle Pihlainen (Helsinki), Mari Hatavara (Tampere)
Moderation: Artis Ostups (Tartu)

17 December 2022

09.00 – 09.15
Krista Anna Zalāne (Greifswald) & Alexander Waszynski (Greifswald)
Wrap-Up Days 1 & 2

09.15 – 10.45
Anti Selart (Tartu): Baltic Crusades: the Fatal Turning Point of Estonian History?
Kalle Pihlainen (Helsinki): Establishing Historical Events ‘Under a Description’
Moderation: Paul Kirschstein (Greifswald)

Coffee Break

11.15 – 12.45
Riho Altnurme (Tartu): Martyrs – Christian or National? The Case of Tartu in 1919
Michael Loader (Glasgow): The Narrative of Khrushchev as the Culprit of the Purge of the Latvian National Communists
Moderation: Martin Nõmm (Tartu)

12.45 – 13.00
Artis Ostups (Tartu) & Martina Zagni (Greifswald): Concluding Remarks
