The Nexus of Decision 2023: Germany, Poland, Ukraine

The Nexus of Decision 2023: Germany, Poland, Ukraine

Pilecki Institute Berlin, Vitsche e. V., Stiftung Genshagen
Pilecki Institute (2 days), Stiftung Genshagen (4 days)
Funded by
Stiftung für deutsch-polnische Zusammenarbeit
Takes place
In Attendance
From - Until
10.02.2023 - 16.02.2023
Patryk Szostak, Pilecki-Institut Berlin, Forschungseinrichtung

An interdisciplinary journey into the substance of Freedom, Peace and Security.

The Nexus of Decision 2023: Germany, Poland, Ukraine

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has challenged the meaning of commonly shared values and revealed differences in their understanding, questioning what terms such as security, freedom, and solidarity mean for each of us. We endeavor to reveal, re-open and share three different practices and approaches toward decision-making from three different political nations – Poland, Germany, and Ukraine.

The project „The Nexus of DECISION 2023″ has the ambition and courage to debate and compare the historical, political, philosophical, and spiritual paths of these three geopolitical regions – Ukraine, Poland, and Germany – the challenges they are facing and the decisions they are taking from different perspectives in dealing with the massive violence, both individual and collective, that has come to the European continent.

The aim of the program is to build a space for dialogue and collaboration between young artists and scholars from Germany, Ukraine and Poland.

The „The Nexus of DECISION 2023″ program addresses the differences and similarities in the way we think about Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. The decision is not only about political issues – why certain countries decide on a particular policy towards Russia and Ukraine – but first and foremost about the individual roots of how and why we think about Europe, what it is, what its values are, the importance of choosing an identity, deciding to act or not to act. „The Nexus of DECISION 2023″ is a program in which we will try to discover the reasons for the cultural and historical differences which today often determine the sources of thinking – about pacifism, peace, patriotism, solidarity, propaganda, fighting, surrender, correlations between individual and common responsibility, defending identity, etc.

Who can apply?

philosophers, historians, political scientists, visual/sound/music/interdisciplinary artists, writers/poets, researchers

Age: 20–45

From: Ukraine, Poland, and Germany. Refugees from Ukraine are most welcome.

In February 2023 we will host a week-long residency in Stiftung Genshagen. During the six-day program, participants will take part in seminars, workshops, ice-breaking games, city tours, curatorial museum guided tours, and other activities to help us work through the topic.

Following this meeting participants will take part in a reporting event at the Pilecki Institute to share their experiences, and thoughts, and to show intermediate results. They will then have the opportunity to apply for an upcoming scholar program.

language of residency: English


Participants will be selected in an open call procedure, with a maximum of 15 people (five from Germany, five from Ukraine, five from Poland). Refugees from Ukraine are welcome.

Our offer includes:

Participation in the lectures, seminars, workshops of the residency program „The Nexus of DECISION 2023″ expenses for traveling, accommodation, and catering in Genshagen and Berlin covered in full; city travel expenses are covered full for participants of the residency – there will be an opportunity to submit their own research or artistic project, texts, etc. elaborated or expanded on during the program. A complete application should include.

Scans of signed forms:

- declaration concerning the control of personal data
- declaration concerning the provision of consent to the processing of personal data and personal image data (both forms are available here
- CV in PDF format (two pages maximum) and/or portfolio (max 50 MB)
- description of your artistic/academic/professional interests as related to the main theme of the “Decision” program. Motivation letter (up to 2,500 characters incl. spaces)

Please send the application to till December 31, 2022

The organizers reserve the right to contact the selected candidate(s) for additional online interviews and for one online group meeting.

Additional information:

- application documents will be accepted in English only
- successful candidates undertake to attend the full program in February 2023 (depending on COVID-19 restrictions)
- courses, lectures and workshops will be held in English

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:

The results of the recruitment procedure will be announced by January 15, 2023. The list of selected participants will be published:

- on the website of the Pilecki Institute:
- on Genshagen Stiftung website
- on Vitsche e. V. website:

The organizers are not under any obligation to substantiate the decisions of the enrolment committee. No appeal procedure has been provided for.

For candidates selected to participate in the project, the present document will constitute an attachment to the agreement concluded between any such candidate and the Pilecki Institute.


The program of the project „The Nexus of DECISION 2023″ will be focused on four thematic sections:

1. Freedom / Peace:

This part will include seminars led by Polish, German and Ukrainian philosophers, historians, and political scientists. Participants will jointly discuss texts dealing with the understanding of peace and freedom, and the re-conceptualizing of peace;

2. Security / Fragility of the body:

This section will include workshops led by Ukrainian and Polish artists, curators and activists. Decision-making on an individual level will be discussed. The section will concentrate on contemporary understandings of freedom from the standpoint of tensions between political/national community and individual liberty, and on liberal perspectives regarding security and the military.

3. Decolonial practices from the Ukrainian perspective

This section will include both academic and practical/cultural texts to formulate an approach to understanding decolonial practices in Ukraine.

4. Activists / Embodied practice

The fourth part is a workshop in Berlin museums with museologists and cultural animators, working on understanding the psychological and philosophical aspects of decision-making in German society as articulated through art.

Contact (announcement)

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