(In)visible Women in History of Archaeology

(In)visible Women in History of Archaeology

European Assiciation of Archaeologists
United Kingdom
Takes place
In Attendance
From - Until
30.08.2023 - 02.09.2023
Elsbeth Bösl, Historisches Institut, Fakultät für Staats- und Sozialwissenschaften, Universität der Bundeswehr München

EAA 2023, Belfast, 30 August–02 September 2023

Women have always been part of archaeology, but have often remained invisible. Women have constantly contributed to the evolving fields of archaeology and heritage, but their parts often have not been recognised. In this session, we would like to shed some light on the roles of women working in and contributing to archaeology and heritage in the history of archaeology.

(In)visible Women in History of Archaeology

We invite you to participate in the panel with your presentation on a broad range of questions concerning the (in)visibility of women in the history of archaeology, such as:

- Why are some early female archaeologists still known today, while others have been forgotten and just recently rediscovered?
- What roles did women have in the early days of archaeology, and how did they contribute to shaping and developing archaeology and heritage as we know it today?
- Which methods can be used to research the history of women in archaeology?
- What kinds of sources and archives can be used to illuminate/reveal the history and networks of women in archaeology, history and heritage?
- In which archaeological settings and corresponding archives should we search for forgotten female archaeologists?
- How can we harness Digital Humanities methodologies to connect women across sites and organisations?
- How can we best represent women's mobility as archaeologists both nationally and internationally?
- What are the particularities of female archaeologists' research and interpretations of the past?
- Why is it still relevant to study the history of female archaeologists today? Why is this research unequally distributed across Europe?
- How can we communicate our findings to increase women's discoverability?

We welcome papers about individual biographies as well as overviews and comparisons of women and their work in a particular area of archaeology. We are also interested in discussing methods and approaches to research the history of women in archaeology and heritage, and in best-practice examples for communicating womens' work in archaeology and heritage to the public.

Session Organisers:

- Doris Gutsmiedl-Schuemann (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
- Elsbeth Boesl (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
- Ammandeep Mahal (University of Southampton)
- Tove Hjørungdal (University of Gothenburg)
- Laura Coltofean-Arizancu (German Archaeological Institute)

Please submit your proposals via the EAA portal: https://eaa.klinkhamergroup.com/eaa2023/.
For further questions please do not hesitate to contact doris.gutsmiedl-schuemann@unibw.de.

Deadline is Feb. 9, 2023

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