Digital Humanities: Six Degrees of… A guide to Social Network Analysis

Digital Humanities: Six Degrees of… A guide to Social Network Analysis

GIRES-Global Institute for Research Education & Scholarship
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16.02.2023 - 02.03.2023
Konstantinos Karatzas, GIRES-Global Institute for Research Education & Scholarship

This workshop series addresses humanists and social sciences students or researchers interested in acquiring or deepening knowledge on Social Network Analyses.

Digital Humanities: Six Degrees of… A guide to Social Network Analysis

The Idea
GIRES, the Global Institute for Research, Education and Scholarship and the Oral History & Digital Humanities Academy (ODA), committed to support the endeavors of global scholarly community, continues the successful workshop for those who wish to enter and explore the fascinating world of Digital Humanities (DH) under the guidance of expert Dr. Rada Varga.

The Aim
This workshop series addresses humanists and social sciences students or researchers interested in acquiring or deepening knowledge on Social Network Analyses.

The identification of liaisons, groups and networks formed of historical actors has been a constant historiographic preoccupation. Nonetheless, some of the obscured ties can nowadays be revealed in a more ostensible manner by employing technological and sociological tools and methodologies. Social Network Analysis allows one to build networks, highlight ties, reveal the power of weak ties, identify clusters and much more.

At the end of the course graduates will be able to structure and overview a dataset according to social network analysis rules, to visualise it in an optimal manner and to draw valid scientific conclusions.

The Structure
The workshops will be taught both asynchronously and synchronously, with three envisioned steps:

registered lectures and tutorials for each topic; their approximate duration will be 1 hour, generally fragmented in 2-3 parts;
exercises based on these tutorials, which are to be allocated an approximate 1-2 hours duration per week;
on-line meeting, where we will discuss the exercises and any other connected problems the attendees might raise; their duration will be 1-2 hours.
The sessions will imply individual exercises, team exercises, as well as discussions and individual and group feedback. Given the nature of the course, we will unavoidably use Open Educational Resources (OER) and a blended learning system.
Being an advanced workshop, participants will be encouraged to use their own datasets, so that the results are both familiar and relevant.
Regarding the employed software, we will use open access programs and platforms.


Thematic 1
Introduction in SNA. Nodegoat – Data Management & Network Building (February 16, 5pm CET)
The session will discuss the theory of SNA and will underline the methodological ‘golden rules’.
Then we will employ Nodegoat, an online data management and visualization system. Participants will learn how to build and enhance networks within this platform.

Thematic 2
Preparing your Dataset. Gephi (February 23, 5pm CET)
The session will focus on Gephi as an open access tool for developing network analysis. Participants will be offered sample datasets to work on, but will also be guided to build and use their personal datasets.

Thematic 3
Creating networks on personal datasets (March 2, 5pm CET)
Participants will present and analyse their networks, created in either of the discusses programs.

Registration Deadline:
-The Saturday before each workshop (before the course on Thursday).

After the registration:
-After the registration you will be provided with all necessary material one week before the first “live”meeting.
-The deadline for exercises will be Wednesday (a day before the Thursday meetings).

Due to the restrictions of Corona Crisis our event (for the time being) will take place virtually
For additional information contact us

DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION: 2 days prior the workshop(s)
TYPES OF REGISTRATION: Early Bird - registration by 8 February/ Regular-registration after 8 February
ACCREDITATION: Official Certificate Issued by GIRES


Digital Humanities
International Workshop

Dates: 16,23 February & 2 March 2023
Time: 17.00 (5 p.m.)
Amsterdam time (CET)
Find your timezone here

Max. Number of Participants: 30
Course Facilitator: Rada Varga, Ph.D

Veröffentlicht am
Adelsgeschichte, Agrargeschichte, Landwirtschaft, Arbeit und Arbeitsbeziehungen, Arbeitergeschichte, Architekturgeschichte, Archäologie, Begriffsgeschichte, Historische Semantik, Betriebs- und Unternehmensgeschichte, Bevölkerungs- und Migrationsgeschichte, Bildungs-, Erziehungs- und Universitätsgeschichte, Biografie, Bürgertumsforschung, Digitale Geschichtswissenschaften, Disziplin, Emotionsgeschichte, Erinnerungsforschung / Gedächtnisgeschichte, Ethik- und Wertevorstellungen, Ethnologie / Historische Anthropologie, Europäische Integration / Integrationsgeschichte, Film / Fernsehen / Radio, Finanz- und Bankengeschichte, Frauen-, Männer- und Geschlechtergeschichte, Freizeit- und Tourismusgeschichte, Geistes- und Ideengeschichte, Intellectual History, Geschichte der ländlichen Bevölkerung, Geschichtsvermittlung, Didaktik und Public History, Historiografiegeschichte, Historische Antisemitismusforschung, Historische Bildforschung, Historische Diskursanalyse, Historische Friedensforschung, Historische Grundwissenschaften / Hilfswissenschaften, Holocaust, Shoa, Genozid, Identitätskonstruktion, Imperiengeschichte, Industriegeschichte, Handel und Gewerbe, Internationale Beziehungen, Internationale Organisationen, Justiz und Polizei, Jüdische Geschichte, Kirchengeschichte, Kolonialgeschichte und Dekolonisation, Konsumgeschichte, Kriminalität und Devianz, Kultur, Kulturgeschichte und -wissenschaft, Kunstgeschichte und -wissenschaft, Körpergeschichte, Literaturgeschichte und -wissenschaft, Materielle Kultur, Mediengeschichte und -wissenschaft, Medizingeschichte, Gesundheit und Krankheit, Mentalitätsgeschichte, Mikro-, Lokal- oder Alltagsgeschichte, Militär- und Gewaltgeschichte, Musikgeschichte und -wissenschaft, NS / Faschismusgeschichte, Nationalismusgeschichte / Nationalisierung, Naturwissenschaften, Ohne thematischen Schwerpunkt, Oral History / Zeitzeugen, Parteien, Verbände und soziale Bewegungen, Politik, Politikgeschichte und -wissenschaft, Politische Ideen, Ideologien, Postkoloniale Geschichte, Raumgeschichte, Geografie, Recht, Rechtsgeschichte und -wissenschaften, Regional- und Landesgeschichte, Regionen / Regionalisierung / Regionalismus, Religionsgeschichte und -wissenschaft, Rezeptionsgeschichte, Sozial- und Gesellschaftsgeschichte / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziales, Sozialpolitik und Sozialstaat, Sportgeschichte, Stadt- und Metropolengeschichte, Technikgeschichte, Theatergeschichte- und wissenschaft, Theorien und Methoden der Geschichtswissenschaften, Transnationale Geschichte, Umweltgeschichte, Verfassungsgeschichte, Vergleich und Transfer / Historische Komparatistik, Verkehrs- und Infrastrukturgeschichte, Verwaltungs- und Institutionengeschichte, Welt- und Globalgeschichte, Wirtschaft, Wirtschaftsgeschichte und -wissenschaften, Wirtschaftspolitik, Wissenschaft, Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Wissenschaftspolitik, Wissensgeschichte, Zivilgesellschaft
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