A "return" to the Cold War? Left-Wing Parties and the reception of the Russo-Ukrainian War. A global vision.

A "return" to the Cold War? Left-Wing Parties and the reception of the Russo-Ukrainian War. A global vision.

Elia Arce Isabel and Diego Ruiz Panadero
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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01.01.2024 -
José M. Faraldo, Universidad Complutense, Madrid

Left-wing movements in different regions of the world have experienced a division on how to deal with the issue of the on-going Russo-Ukrainian war. The editors of the special issue seek the participation of researchers who address the permanence, transformations and adaptations of Cold War schemes and discourses in the current historical situation.

A "return" to the Cold War? Left-Wing Parties and the reception of the Russo-Ukrainian War. A global vision.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is one of the events that has caused the greatest impact on world geopolitics in recent years, giving rise to widespread rejection by the international community, as reflected in United Nations resolution A/RES/ES-11/1. Although the 140 votes in favor and 38 abstentions against only 5 rejections demonstrate a quasi-unanimous position of the UN, the truth is that there is a great variety of opinions according to each ideological current. In this sense, left-wing movements in different regions of the world have experienced a division on how to deal with the war issue. This has given rise to hardly compatible positions in which the explanation of the origins of the war is motivated by a wide repertoire of discursive features coming from the Cold War. The editors of the special issue seek, therefore, the participation of researchers who address the permanence, transformations and adaptations of these features in the current historical context.

To this end, we encourage the submission of papers from an interdisciplinary and transnational perspective, specially of junior scholars and postdocs. The special issue will be submitted to a main Spanish academic journal for blind peer review and, in case of positive evaluation, be published in 2024.

Translation from English into Spanish will be provided.

Relevant Dates:

- March 1: deadline for submission of proposal for the special issue with a provisional title.
- March 31: submission of the final proposal with a summary of the content (300–500 words) and a brief curriculum vitae in one paragraph, with no more than 200 words.


E-Mail: dierui06@ucm.es

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