Cooking, Cleaning, Caring: Care Work as a Global Issue in Contemporary Art

Cooking, Cleaning, Caring: Care Work as a Global Issue in Contemporary Art

Prof. Dr. Änne Söll, Dr. Friederike Sigler and Tonia Andresen, M.A., Institute of Art History, Ruhr University Bochum, as part of the DFG project Cleaning, Cooking, Caring. Care Work in Art in Western and Eastern Europe, the US and Latin America since 1960
Gefördert durch
DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Findet statt
In Präsenz
Vom - Bis
10.05.2023 - 12.05.2023
Andresen Tonia, Kunstgeschichtliches Institut, Universität Bochum

The international conference brings together experts from Latin America, Eastern and Western Europe, Asia and the U.S. to discuss and re-evaluate artistic techniques that question the division of productive and reproductive labor.

Cooking, Cleaning, Caring: Care Work as a Global Issue in Contemporary Art

Since the 1960s women artists around the world have been critically engaged with gender politics and the social consequences of care work. Until today, they develop artistic techniques to question the division of productive and reproductive labor, but also initiate a fundamental debate about the status, value and meaning of (artistic) work as well as the equal distribution of labor. The international conference brings together experts from Latin America, Eastern and Western Europe, Asia and the U.S. to discuss and re-evaluate this international artistic practice. Leading questions are: How is care work enacted and which layers of the work become visible? How do the positions reflect the issues of globalized care work and the (post-)colonial division of labor? And what does it mean for an art historical practice to include care work as a theoretical framework and critique of artistic production?

Hybrid: on-site and online (Zoom)

Please register for the conference until the 7th of May via The zoom link will be sent after registration.

10 May: Kunstsammlungen der RUB, Universitätsstraße 150, 44801 Bochum
Transportaton from central station: Underground U35 ‘Bochum Hustadt (TQ)’ to station ‘Ruhr-Universität, Bochum’ plus walk by feet approx. 12 minutes.
Entrance: opposite the Audimax

11 and 12 May: Situation Kunst – KUBUS, Nevelstraße 29c, 44795 Bochum
Transportation from central station: Tram 308 “Hattingen Mitte” or 318 “Bochum Dahlhausen” to station “Schlosspark/Museum unter Tage” plus walk by feet approx. 8 minutes.
Entrance: via the wooden bridge opposite the ruin of the chapel


Wednesday, 10 May,2023
(Kunstsammlungen der RUB)

02:00 pm–02:30 pm
Änne Söll, Friederike Sigler, Tonia Andresen, Bochum: Introduction

02:30 pm–03:15 pm
Siona Wilson, New York: The Love Bomb Method

03:15 pm–04:00 pm
Eva Kuhn, Lüneburg: Maintenance (Art-)Work and the Production of Presence

04:00 pm
Coffee Break

04:30 pm–05:15 pm
Ane Lekuona Mariscal, Euskal Herria: Oficio de Pintora. Being a Woman Artist during Franco’s Regime

05:30 pm–06.30 pm
Andrea Giunta, Buenos Aires: Cooking, Domesticity, and Power in the Art of Latin America

06:30 pm
Evening Reception

Thursday, 11 May, 2023
(Situation Kunst, KUBUS)

09:30 am
Arrival and Introduction/Welcome

10:00 am–10:45 am
Agata Jakubowska, Warszawa: Art Work / Care Work. Self-portraits of Women Artists from Eastern Europe

10:45 am–11:30 am
Nora Gantert, Nürnberg: Milking the Body – Narrating Motherhood in Contemporary Art from China and the Chinese Speaking Diaspora

11:30 am
Coffee Break

12:00 am–12:45 am
Änne Söll, Bochum: Leonardo from the Dryer: Lint Art and the Politics of Art- and Housework

12:45 am–01:30 pm
Vivian K. Sheng, Hong Kong: Caring and Homemaking: Yin Xiuzhen’s Art of Domestic Preservation

01:30 pm–03:00 pm
Lunch Break

03:00 pm–03:45 pm
Fabiola Fiocco, Edinburgh: Politics of (In)Visibility: Making Maintenance Visible in Socially Engaged Art

03:45 pm–04:15 pm
Jacopo Galimberti, Venezia: Art against Housework. The Gruppo Immagine in and around the Wages for Housework Campaign

04:30 pm–05:30 pm
Guided Tour at Situation Kunst

Friday, 12 May, 2023
(Situation Kunst, KUBUS)

09:30 am
Arrival and Introduction/Welcome

10:00 am–10:45 am
Viktoria Popovics, Budapest: Cleaning Lady Turned Contemporary Roma Painter. Intersectional View on the Position of Hungarian Women Artists from the 1970s

10:45 am–11:30 am
Tonia Andresen, Bochum: La Otra Cleans the Kitchen: Waged Care Work in Latin American Art Practices

11:30 am
Coffee Break

12:00 am–12:45 am
Mónica R. Ravelo García / Álvaro Á. Cárdenas Castro, Valparaíso: Care in the Works of Latin American Female Artists: An Approach from the Perspective of the Communities

12:45 pm–01:30 pm
Ursula Ströbele, München: Artistic Strategies of Ecological Care Work


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